

c# Programming Glossary: observablecollection

ObservableCollection not noticing when Item in it changes (even with INotifyPropertyChanged)


not noticing when Item in it changes even with INotifyPropertyChanged.. work public class CollectionViewModel ViewModelBase public ObservableCollection EntityViewModel ContentList get return _contentList set _contentList.. public class CollectionViewModel ViewModelBase public ObservableCollection EntityViewModel ContentList get return _contentList public..

ObservableCollection that also monitors changes on the elements in collection


that also monitors changes on the elements in collection Is.. the collection sends a PropertyChanged event. Sort of an ObservableCollection T where T INotifyPropertyChanged and the collection is also.. question Made a quick implementation myself public class ObservableCollectionEx T ObservableCollection T where T INotifyPropertyChanged protected..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


Doesn't support AddRange method so I get notified for each item.. Of T Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection Of T ''' summary ''' Adds the elements of the specified collection.. the elements of the specified collection to the end of the ObservableCollection Of T . ''' summary Public Sub AddRange ByVal collection As IEnumerable..

ObservableCollection Databinding performance


T So what's going on here c# wpf data binding collections observablecollection share improve this question The comparison in that article..

Observable Collection Property Changed on Item in the Collection


INotifyPropertyChanged . c# wpf sorting collections observablecollection share improve this question Brute force Attach handler to..

How to Avoid Firing ObservableCollection.CollectionChanged Multiple Times When Replacing All Elements Or Adding a Collection of Elements


that it does NOT support silverlight. c# silverlight observablecollection share improve this question ColinE is right with all his..

ObservableCollection element-wise Transform/Projection Wrapper


of the core framework. But I can't find it. c# .net wpf observablecollection inotifycollectionchanged share improve this question I'm..

ObservableCollection not noticing when Item in it changes (even with INotifyPropertyChanged)


it's working for everything else except this problem.. c# observablecollection inotifypropertychanged share improve this question The ContentList's..

Optimal LINQ query to get a random sub collection - Shuffle


having 'N' items. where n N c# linq ienumerable observablecollection share improve this question Another option is to use OrderBy..

Long List Selector Observable Collection and Visual Tree - problems?


understand something c# wpf windows phone 8 windows phone observablecollection share improve this question Try to set data context to your..

How do I sort an observable collection?


new Pair 6 fty Q How do I sort it by key c# .net sorting observablecollection share improve this question You can use linq as the doSort..

How do I update an ObservableCollection via a worker thread?


and how to get around it Cheers c# wpf multithreading observablecollection share improve this question Technically the problem is not..

ObservableCollection and threading


have access to the dispatcher. c# wpf multithreading observablecollection share improve this question JaredPar's approach is a valid..

WPF C#: Rearrange items in listbox via drag and drop


share improve this question i've tried create one using observablecollection have a look ObservableCollection Emp _empList new ObservableCollection..

Update a ObservableCollection with a background worker in mvvm


seperate background worker thread. c# wpf multithreading observablecollection share improve this question Where you've got code which..

difference between ObservableCollection and BindingList


Employee lstEmp new BindingList Employee c# .net wpf observablecollection wpf 4.0 share improve this question An ObservableCollection..

RemoveAll for ObservableCollections?


from ObservableCollection passing a Lambda expression c# observablecollection removeall share improve this question I am not aware of..

Sorting ObservableCollection


of œItemsControl code p Thanks ¦â€ p c# .net wpf sorting observablecollection share improve this question You can sort the view of the..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


multiple objects at once and getting notified c# vb.net observablecollection addrange inotifycollectionchanged share improve this question..

How do I update an existing element of an ObservableCollection?


ObservableCollection and the display c# wpf datatemplate observablecollection share improve this question Items in your collection should..

Notify ObservableCollection when Item changes


never in MyItemsSource Property code. c# wpf collections observablecollection inotifypropertychanged share improve this question The spot..

XMLSerialize an ObservableCollection


I really need your help. Thanks in advance. c# .net 4.0 observablecollection xmlserializer share improve this question Try using the..

How can I replace static ObservableCollection so it accesable on all windows in the MVVM way


any more information feel free to ask ofc . c# wpf mvvm observablecollection share improve this question You can either use a Static..