c# Programming Glossary: numberstyles
how to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2583362/how-to-convert-string-to-double-with-proper-cultureinfo 132 56 double value Probably want to use a more specific NumberStyles selection here. if double.TryParse fromUser userCulture NumberStyles.Any.. selection here. if double.TryParse fromUser userCulture NumberStyles.Any out value Error... string forDB value.ToString CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..
C# float.tryparse for French Culture http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2722831/c-sharp-float-tryparse-for-french-culture You can pass through a French culture info string value NumberStyles style CultureInfo culture double number value 1345 978 style.. CultureInfo culture double number value 1345 978 style NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint culture CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture..
Convert any currency string to double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2753701/convert-any-currency-string-to-double I think this should work double.Parse currencyValue NumberStyles.Currency Here you can see more about the NumberStyles . Edit.. NumberStyles.Currency Here you can see more about the NumberStyles . Edit In case anyone sees this answer without looking at the..
What do the “+n” values mean at the end of a method name in a stack trace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305244/what-do-the-n-values-mean-at-the-end-of-a-method-name-in-a-stack-trace a correct format. System.Number.StringToNumber String str NumberStyles options NumberBuffer number NumberFormatInfo info Boolean parseDecimal.. parseDecimal 2755599 System.Number.ParseInt32 String s NumberStyles style NumberFormatInfo info 112 System.Convert.ToInt32 String..
Problem parsing currency text to decimal type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4953037/problem-parsing-currency-text-to-decimal-type question How about using decimal d decimal.Parse 45.00 NumberStyles.Currency The MSDN documentation on Decimal.Parse states The.. states The s parameter is interpreted using the NumberStyles.Number style. This means that white space and thousands separators..
How to find out which assembly handled the request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6551954/how-to-find-out-which-assembly-handled-the-request If we want to change default behavior we may also give it NumberStyles and or IFormatProvider . We the consumers don't know how int.Parse..
C# Decimal.Parse issue with commas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/831727/c-sharp-decimal-parse-issue-with-commas question It's allowing thousands because the default NumberStyles value used by Decimal.Parse NumberStyles.Number includes NumberStyles.AllowThousands.. the default NumberStyles value used by Decimal.Parse NumberStyles.Number includes NumberStyles.AllowThousands . If you want to.. value used by Decimal.Parse NumberStyles.Number includes NumberStyles.AllowThousands . If you want to disallow the thousands separators..