c# Programming Glossary: nslookup
Capturing nslookup shell output with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/353601/capturing-nslookup-shell-output-with-c-sharp nslookup shell output with C# I have a command line process I would.. to automate and capture in C#. At the command line I type nslookup This launches a shell which gives me a prompt. At the prompt.. of a second step is tripping me up. c# shell .net 2.0 nslookup share improve this question ProcessStartInfo si new ProcessStartInfo..
How to perform “nslookup host server” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5468348/how-to-perform-nslookup-host-server to perform &ldquo nslookup host server&rdquo My C# service needs to periodically poll.. server&rdquo My C# service needs to periodically poll nslookup host server . Currently it spawns a Process that executes batch.. example System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses I can only emulate nslookup host check but not nslookup host server without seconds param..
Best Way to call external program in c# and parse output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878632/best-way-to-call-external-program-in-c-sharp-and-parse-output c http stackoverflow.com questions 353601 capturing nslookup shell output with c I am looking to call an external program..