c# Programming Glossary: numberformat
Double to string conversion without scientific notation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1546113/double-to-string-conversion-without-scientific-notation be used and computed with them. c# .net floating point numberformat share improve this question This is a string parsing solution..
Parse a Number from Exponential Notation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3879463/parse-a-number-from-exponential-notation Decimal.Parse 1.2345E 02 simply throws an error c# .net numberformat exponent share improve this question It is a floating point..
What indicates an Office Open XML Cell contains a Date/Time value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730152/what-indicates-an-office-open-xml-cell-contains-a-date-time-value cell that contains a date you need to perform the style xf numberformat lookup then identify whether that numberformat mask is a date.. style xf numberformat lookup then identify whether that numberformat mask is a date time numberformat mask rather than for example.. identify whether that numberformat mask is a date time numberformat mask rather than for example a percentage or an accounting numberformat..
Problem parsing currency text to decimal type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4953037/problem-parsing-currency-text-to-decimal-type 45.00 MyNFI throws exception here... c# parsing decimal numberformat share improve this question How about using decimal d decimal.Parse..
Using String Format to show decimal upto 2 places or simple integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6951335/using-string-format-to-show-decimal-upto-2-places-or-simple-integer 0 0.00 123.0 123.00 c# regex string formatting numberformat share improve this question An inelegant way would be var..