

c# Programming Glossary: nsmgr.addnamespace

Which namespace is necessary to use SelectSingleNode() method (using default namespace and can't use the method)


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager xml.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace msbld http schemas.microsoft.com developer msbuild 2003 XmlNode.. nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager xml.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace ms http schemas.microsoft.com developer msbuild 2003 XmlNode..

How to access a xml node with attributes and namespace using selectsinglenode()


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager r.ResponseXmlDocument nsmgr.AddNamespace marc http www.loc.gov MARC21 slim string xpath marc record marc..

XPath doesn't work as desired in C#


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager xml.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace x http webservices.amazon.com AWSECommerceService 2005 10 05..

How to use XPath function in a XPathExpression instance programatically?


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager xdoc.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace fn http www.w3.org 2005 xpath functions XPathExpression xpr..

Xml-SelectNodes with default-namespace via XmlNamespaceManager not working as expected


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager doc.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace urn test.Schema This will fail with dotnet 3.5sp1. Why Assert.AreEqual.. nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager doc.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace t doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI Assert.AreEqual 2 doc.SelectNodes..

How to Select XML Nodes with XML Namespaces from an XmlDocument?


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager rssDoc.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace dc http purl.org dc elements 1.1 XmlNodeList rssItems rssDoc.SelectNodes..

Using Xpath With Default Namespace in C#


nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager el.OwnerDocument.NameTable nsmgr.AddNamespace x el.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI var nodes el.SelectNodes..