c# Programming Glossary: myeventhandler
C# How to find if an event is hooked up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129517/c-sharp-how-to-find-if-an-event-is-hooked-up I want to execute when the event fires EventHandler myEventHandler new EventHandler myObject_SomeEvent Get p1 number events that.. Get p1 number events that got hooked up to myEventHandler int p1 myEventHandler.GetInvocationList .Length Now actually.. number events that got hooked up to myEventHandler int p1 myEventHandler.GetInvocationList .Length Now actually hook an event up myObject.SomeEvent..
How can I subscribe multiple buttons to the same event handler and act according to what button was clicked? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3814234/how-can-i-subscribe-multiple-buttons-to-the-same-event-handler-and-act-according a button it's just a standard event handler button1.Click myEventHandler You can use the same code to add handlers for every button button1.Click.. same code to add handlers for every button button1.Click myEventHandler button2.Click myEventHandler button3.Click myEventHandler button4.Click.. every button button1.Click myEventHandler button2.Click myEventHandler button3.Click myEventHandler button4.Click myEventHandler button5.Click..
Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1046016/event-signature-in-net-using-a-strong-typed-sender Event handler signatures should follow this form void MyEventHandler object sender EventArgs e . The 'sender' parameter is always..
How can I make my own event in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623451/how-can-i-make-my-own-event-in-c about the triggered event. public delegate void MyEventHandler object source MyEventArgs e This is a class which describes.. over a particular value. Notice the event uses the MyEventHandler delegate to create a signature for the called function. public.. for the called function. public class MyClass public event MyEventHandler OnMaximum private int i private int Maximum 10 public int MyValue..
Read custom configuration file in C# (Framework 4.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6341906/read-custom-configuration-file-in-c-sharp-framework-4-0 to the FileChanged event configFileReader.FileChanged MyEventHandler ... private void MyEventHanler object sender EventArgs e You..
Understanding events and event handlers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803242/understanding-events-and-event-handlers-in-c-sharp which return void and take a string. public delegate void MyEventHandler string foo This event can cause any method which conforms to.. foo This event can cause any method which conforms to MyEventHandler to be called. public event MyEventHandler SomethingHappened.. conforms to MyEventHandler to be called. public event MyEventHandler SomethingHappened Here is some code I want to be executed when..