c# Programming Glossary: mydomain
Restful Login - proper implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19010067/restful-login-proper-implementation it seems the GET would be most appropriate. So perhaps GET mydomain myservice authenticate username password I don ™t like this because..
Error 502 (Bad Gateway) when sending a request with HttpWebRequest over SSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2159361/error-502-bad-gateway-when-sending-a-request-with-httpwebrequest-over-ssl is required. WebProxy proxy new WebProxy myproxy.mydomain.com 8080 proxy.Credentials new NetworkCredential username password.. proxy.Credentials new NetworkCredential username password mydomain rqst.Proxy proxy rqst.Method POST if String.IsNullOrEmpty postdata..
Dynamic linq query with multiple/unknown criteria http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6453420/dynamic-linq-query-with-multiple-unknown-criteria Contacts where t.Email email@domain.com t.Email.Contains mydomain where t.Field1 valuewewant where t.Field2 valuewedontwant select.. on above Email Equals email@domain.com Email Contains mydomain Field1 Equals valuewewant Field2 DoesNotEqual valuewedontwant.. new FieldCriteria FieldName Email Operator 1 Value email@mydomain.com So using the information that I have I want to be able to..
Starting a process with credentials from a Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/677874/starting-a-process-with-credentials-from-a-windows-service a Windows Service I have a Windows service that runs as mydomain userA. I want to be able to run arbitrary .exes from the service... cases I want to run the executable as a different user mydomain userB . If I change the ProcessStartInfo I use to start the..
Getting the Current username when impersonated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7613468/getting-the-current-username-when-impersonated In another class I need to find out the current user like mydomain moose but I won't have any idea if I'm currently impersonating..
NuGet Behind Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9232160/nuget-behind-proxy my.proxy.address port nuget.exe config set http_proxy.user mydomain myUserName nuget.exe config set http_proxy.password mySuperSecretPassword.. http my.proxy.address port add key http_proxy.user value mydomain myUserName add key http_proxy.password value base64encodedHopefullyEncryptedPassword..
(407) Proxy Authentication Required, in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9603093/407-proxy-authentication-required-in-c-sharp nc.UserName userName nc.Password password nc.Domain mydomain cc.Add http 8888 Basic nc proxy.Credentials cc..
How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/966323/how-to-programmatically-modify-wcf-app-config-endpoint-address-setting to do this at runtime For reference endpoint address http mydomain MyService.svc binding wsHttpBinding bindingConfiguration WSHttpBinding_IASRService..