c# Programming Glossary: mix
C# tutorial to write gadgets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171588/c-sharp-tutorial-to-write-gadgets gadgets without C#. Orginally gadgets were authored in a mix of XML HTML CSS and some IE scripting language. How to get started..
Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1278024/mixing-c-sharp-vb-in-the-same-project C# VB In The Same Project Can you mix vb and c# files in the same project for a class library Is there..
XDocument or XMLDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542073/xdocument-or-xmldocument are the normal ways of streaming XML in .NET but you can mix all the APIs to some extent. For example you can stream a large..
How to do a Bulk Insert — Linq to Entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1609153/how-to-do-a-bulk-insert-linq-to-entities share improve this question Sometimes you simply have to mix models. Perhaps use SqlBulkCopy for this part of your repository..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net plain' 201 One of the benefits of NoSQL is that you get to mix with developers from different language backgrounds coming together..
How to mix colors “naturally” with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398224/how-to-mix-colors-naturally-with-c to mix colors &ldquo naturally&rdquo with C# I have to mix some colors.. to mix colors &ldquo naturally&rdquo with C# I have to mix some colors in a natural way. This means blue yellow green blue.. and so on. I got the colors as RGB Values. When I try to mix them I got the right RGB results like green red yellow yellow..
Enterprise Library Unity vs Other IoC Containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411660/enterprise-library-unity-vs-other-ioc-containers container.AddComponent Form1 Form1 Autofac Can mix both XML and code with v1.2 . Nice simple IoC library. Seems..
Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41244/dynamic-linq-orderby-on-ienumerablet T result Edit it gets more fun if you want to mix that with dynamic although note that dynamic only applies to..
ANTLR 3.3 C# Tutorials? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396080/antlr-3-3-c-sharp-tutorials AST you add output AST in your options ... section and you mix some tree operators in your grammar defining which tokens should..
ASP.NET MVC 3: DefaultModelBinder with inheritance/polymorphism http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5460081/asp-net-mvc-3-defaultmodelbinder-with-inheritance-polymorphism big post I've tried to do some research first and for the mix of technologies on the same question ASP.NET MVC 3 Ninject and..
Mix Razor and Javascript code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5614941/mix-razor-and-javascript-code Razor and Javascript code I'm pretty confused with how to mix razor and js. This is the current function I am stuck with script..
High performance TCP server in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023264/high-performance-tcp-server-in-c-sharp no way around this. High performance and scalability don't mix with one thread per socket. You can have a look at what StackExchange..
Most common C# bitwise operations on enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/93744/most-common-c-sharp-bitwise-operations-on-enums toggle or test a bit in a bitfield. Either I'm unsure or I mix them up because I rarely need these. So a bit cheat sheet would..