c# Programming Glossary: mistaken
Should I always call Page.IsValid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1039465/should-i-always-call-page-isvalid otherwise. However in this case I think your friend is mistaken because by his her logic we could probably come up with a hundred..
How can I programmatically manipulate Windows desktop icon locations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/131690/how-can-i-programmatically-manipulate-windows-desktop-icon-locations icons utility share improve this question If I'm not mistaken the desktop is just a ListView and you'll have to send the LVM_SETITEMPOSITION..
Why does my .NET application crash when run from a network drive? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148879/why-does-my-net-application-crash-when-run-from-a-network-drive to the default policy of the .NET framework . If I'm not mistaken Microsoft finally corrected this annoyance in .NET 3.5 SP1 after..
avoiding null reference exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1943465/avoiding-null-reference-exceptions to avoid encountering null reference errors Unless I am mistaken I am aware that in languages such as F# is it not possible to..
Timer, event and garbage collection : am I missing something? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2311027/timer-event-and-garbage-collection-am-i-missing-something e this.Text DateTime.Now.ToString tmr.Start If I'm not mistaken after the tmr variable goes out of scope the Timer isn't referenced..
Why doesn't the C# compiler stop properties from referring to themselves? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2336847/why-doesnt-the-c-sharp-compiler-stop-properties-from-referring-to-themselves string abc public string Abc get return Abc Note the mistaken capitalization I understand why the property is referencing..
Storing Credentials in Credential Manager Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2394721/storing-credentials-in-credential-manager-service I found in MSDN was in C. I then thought I must have been mistaken but then I downloaded Cain and saw an entry for decoding credential..
Is it possible to get the parsed text of a SqlCommand with SqlParameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789476/is-it-possible-to-get-the-parsed-text-of-a-sqlcommand-with-sqlparameters sqlparameters share improve this question You have a mistaken notion of how parameterized queries work. The parsed text you..
Get derived class type from a base's class static method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3064227/get-derived-class-type-from-a-bases-class-static-method inheritance share improve this question If I'm not mistaken the code emitted for BaseClass.Ping and DerivedClass.Ping is..
Why are C# number types immutable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3981827/why-are-c-sharp-number-types-immutable time you want to change the value I think you might be mistaken about how value types work. This isn't some costly operation..
Monitor a process's network usage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438240/monitor-a-processs-network-usage share improve this question It's possible but if I'm not mistaken you'll have to create a network driver to filter all network..
Passing data between forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4587952/passing-data-between-forms But amazingly this does not add any value. I thought I was mistaken with the insertion so I made the same procedure. This time I..
Why can struct change their own fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4720475/why-can-struct-change-their-own-fields struct share improve this question You've made a key mistaken assumption. .NET structs are mutable. You can absolutely perform..
How to avoid System.IO.PathTooLongException? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530109/how-to-avoid-system-io-pathtoolongexception and if the length of the path exceeds 248 if I am not mistaken then it throws PathTooLongException. Is there any workaround..
Can I depend on the values of GetHashCode() to be consistent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53086/can-i-depend-on-the-values-of-gethashcode-to-be-consistent c# hash share improve this question If I'm not mistaken GetHashCode is consistent given the same value but it is NOT..
How to hide a column (GridView) but still access its value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5376278/how-to-hide-a-column-gridview-but-still-access-its-value gridview hide share improve this question If i am not mistaken gridview does not hold the values of boundcolumns that have..
MethodInfo.Invoke with out Parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569249/methodinfo-invoke-with-out-parameter because i know every numericType has an TryParse or I am mistaken c# share improve this question public static bool TryParse..
How to access form objects from another cs file in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/717074/how-to-access-form-objects-from-another-cs-file-in-c-sharp give me a source or a project so I can see where I'm mistaken. Thanks c# forms object share improve this question Select..
Putting XML Data into the Windows Event Log http://stackoverflow.com/questions/830750/putting-xml-data-into-the-windows-event-log eventviewer share improve this question Unless I am mistaken in order to write xml to the Crimson Vista event log you will..