c# Programming Glossary: missile
Resources for 2d game physics [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165404/resources-for-2d-game-physics ' collisions between models and level boundaries and missile type weapons. Websites recommended books blogs code examples..
Simple animation using C#/Windows Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188349/simple-animation-using-c-windows-forms on my Atari 130XE hooray for page flipping and player missile graphics Advice Here's some of the things I'd like to know I..
How to calculate bounce angle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573084/how-to-calculate-bounce-angle but I simply can't figure it out. I made a tank that fires missiles and when the missiles hit the walls I want them to bounce off.. it out. I made a tank that fires missiles and when the missiles hit the walls I want them to bounce off but I want them to.. the right angle. Right now I haven't got any obstacles the missiles just bounce off when they get outside the viewportRectangle..