

c# Programming Glossary: merge

Merging dlls into a single .exe with wpf


.xaml resources. So my question is Is there a way to merge a WPF project with multiple dependencies into a single .exe.. multiple dependencies into a single .exe c# wpf dll ilmerge share improve this question .NET reactor has the feature..

Recommended ServiceStack API Structure


UpdateEvent and CreateEvent here I will sometimes will merge them into a single idempotent StoreEvent operation if the use..

Embedding DLLs in a compiled executable


who have asked me this and I honestly don't know. c# dll merge linker share improve this question If they're actually managed..

Single-assembly multi-language Windows Forms deployment (ILMerge and satellite assemblies / localization) - possible?


specific resources. Using ILMerge or ILRepack I can merge the satellite assemblies into the main executable assembly but.. into the main assembly. Interestingly if I take my merged executable assembly and place copies of it into the culture.. I can see the main and culture specific resources in the merged assemby when I use Reflector or ILSpy . But copying the main..

Merging dictionaries in C#


dictionaries in C# What's the best way to merge 2 or more dictionaries Dictionary T1 T2 in C# 3.0 features like.. to the dict as long as it's consistent. c# dictionary merge share improve this question This partly depends on what you..

git mv and only change case of directory


on will be different and others will have to rebase or re merge their work with that recent past of the branch. this is related..

multimap in .NET


into this instance. summary param name toMergeWith To merge with. param public void Merge MultiValueDictionary TKey TValue..

Asp.Net MVC 2 - Bind a model's property to a different named value


as independent parameters to your action and then manually merge the data together in the action method. public ActionResult..

Merging two images in C#/.NET


in C# .NET Simple idea I have two images that I want to merge one is 500x500 that is transparent in the middle the other one..

What is the purpose of self tracking entities?


object graph instead of single entity you must manually merge changes received from client to current state in database. Be..

How to: Merge multiple assemblies into one


dlls in to my EXE Thanks in Advance. c# assemblies exe ilmerge servicestack share improve this question You have several.. some tool like SmartAssembly commercial it can embed and merge among other things no need to change your source code OR code..

Convert DataTable to CSV stream


FileHelperEngine typeof MailMergeFields MailMergeFields merge new MailMergeFields dt.Rows.Count 1 add headers merge 0 new.. merge new MailMergeFields dt.Rows.Count 1 add headers merge 0 new MailMergeFields merge 0 .FirstName FirstName merge 0 .LastName.. dt.Rows.Count 1 add headers merge 0 new MailMergeFields merge 0 .FirstName FirstName merge 0 .LastName LastName int i 1 add..

Merge DLL into EXE?


DLL into EXE I have two DLL files which I'd like to include.. share improve this question For .NET Framework 4.5 ILMerge.exe target winexe targetplatform v4 C Program Files Reference..

Combining n DataTables into a Single DataTable


false if dataTable null break else dataTableALL.Merge dataTable nTmpVolTabIdx ... This merges the DataTable s but.. I required is The individual tables are After the first Merge operation I have the following Thanks again. c# datatable .. question The table has repeating primary keys after the Merge because no primary key was defined. So either specify the PK..

Make a BackgroundWorker do several operations sequentially without freezing the form


int pourcent private BackgroundWorker bgwkSVN public Merger InitializeComponent InitializeBackgroundWorker this.textBoxCheminRacine.Text.. this.textBoxCheminRacine.Text cheminRacine private void MergerRevisions object sender EventArgs e activerControles false textBoxOutput.Text.. cheminRacine cheminRacine string branchToMerge this.textBoxBranche.Text if branchToMerge.StartsWith branchToMerge..

Merging dictionaries in C#


along the lines of public static Dictionary TKey TValue Merge TKey TValue Dictionary TKey TValue dictionaries or public static.. dictionaries or public static Dictionary TKey TValue Merge TKey TValue IEnumerable Dictionary TKey TValue dictionaries..

MVC ActionLink add all (optional) paramters from current url


new RouteValueDictionary extraRVs RouteValueDictionary m Merge r extra return System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.ActionLink.. null extraRVs htmlAttributes static RouteValueDictionary Merge this RouteValueDictionary original RouteValueDictionary @new..

multimap in .NET


value if container.Count 0 this.Remove key summary Merges the specified multivaluedictionary into this instance. summary.. into this instance. summary param name toMergeWith To merge with. param public void Merge MultiValueDictionary.. param name toMergeWith To merge with. param public void Merge MultiValueDictionary TKey TValue toMergeWith if toMergeWith..

How to create a .NET setup project with crystal report prerequisite?


. A folder called C Program Files x86 Common Files Merge Modules should automatically show up. There you may find a file.. your project and it should install too. To find the right MergeModul for your version have a look at BusinessObjects_CrystallReports.. have a look at BusinessObjects_CrystallReports Adding MergeModul to setupProjects look at SetupMergeModul What kind of CrystalReport..

How to merge two lists using LINQ?


int ID get set public string Name get set public Person Merge Person p return new Person ID this.ID Name this.Name p.Name.. properties to the class. Preferably get rid of the Merge method and use an appropriate data structure such as a multimap.. each group into a single person with the provided Merge method var mergedList list1.Concat list2 .GroupBy person person.ID..

Merge msi and exe


msi and exe My deployment project creates and .msi file and..

generic GetById for complex PK


throw new ArgumentException Invalid number of key members Merge key names and values by its order in array var keyPairs _keyNames.Zip..

Merge two object lists with linq


two object lists with linq I have the following situation Class..

Looking for a fast and easy way to coalesce all properties on a POCO


Field1 123 var obj2 new SamplePoco Field2 abc var merged Merger.Merge obj1 obj2 Console.WriteLine merged.Field1 Console.WriteLine.. 123 var obj2 new SamplePoco Field2 abc var merged Merger.Merge obj1 obj2 Console.WriteLine merged.Field1 Console.WriteLine.. merged.Field1 Console.WriteLine merged.Field2 static class Merger public static T Merge T params T sources where T class new..

How to: Merge multiple assemblies into one


to Merge multiple assemblies into one I consuming my servicestack using.. improve this question You have several options use ILMerge free For howto see here and here OR use some tool like SmartAssembly..