

c# Programming Glossary: messy

Can you find an Active Directory User's Primary Group in C#?


directory share improve this question It's quite a messy and involved business but this code snippet is from my BeaverTail..

Implementing a timeout on a function returning a value


function so in this way it works but I feel like it's messy and there must be a better way to do what I want. c# .net timeout..

Best tutorial to learn MVVMLight SimpleIoc use?


SimpleIoc use I'm revamping my software which has messy Messenger.Default bits. Is there any tutorial to learn MVVMLight..

How do you parse an HTML string for image tags to get at the SRC information?


this. It requires the Webrowser to load the document. It's messy and takes up resources. According to this question XPath is..

Solution for overloaded operator constraint in .NET generics


switch / pattern matching idea


if else or a composite ternary conditional which gets very messy for non trivial expressions brackets galore . It also avoids..

Anyone know a quick way to get to custom attributes on an enum value?


is using reflection I expect some slowness but it seems messy to convert the enum value to a string which reflects the name..

Transactions in .net


your code tran.Commit catch tran.Rollback throw Not too messy but limited to our connection conn . If we want to call out..

Is it possible to compile and execute new code at runtime in .NET?


equation string and figure out how to do the math lots of messy code here... When you're processing boatloads of data points..

How To Test if Type is Primitive


the property's type to see if it's allowed That's a little messy so it'd be nice if I there was a tidier way. c# reflection..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


even have a reference to the pool. It really becomes quite messy so a better approach is to create a smart pooled object. Let's..

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes


tvw.Handle TVM_SETITEM IntPtr.Zero ref tvi All of the messy stuff at the top are your P Invoke declarations. You need a..

Why is there no Linq method to return distinct values by a predicate?


myList.GroupBy x x.Url .Select g g.First But that seems messy. It also doesn't quite do the same thing I can only use it here..

Using view models in ASP.NET MVC 3


the view with that which is posted back from the view gets messy and creates exactly your situation more often than not. I dislike..

Convert HTML to PDF in .NET [closed]


well when it encounters Table and the layout just gets messy. Is there any free library available c# html pdf share improve..

Single Form Hide on Startup


figure out how to hide the form on load without something messy. Any suggestions c# vb.net winforms share improve this question..

wcf named pipe minimal example


can see you don't need configuration files and all that messy stuff. By the way he uses both HTTP and pipes. Just remove all..

Windows service couldnt get screenshot in windows 7


session 0 from a windows service This can be done but it's messy. It involves impersonation of the logged on user manipulation..

Customizing a TabControl for the Closing of Individual Tabs


here because it's about 700 lines long and coded quite messy. Maybe I will find some time to clean the code up and then release..

Multi threading C# application with SQL Server database calls


SQL Server's partitioning since the second option would be messy. Also built in partitioning is only available on SQL Enterprise..