c# Programming Glossary: meta
What should be the correct response from web service to display the Jquery token input results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13558856/what-should-be-the-correct-response-from-web-service-to-display-the-jquery-token 1999 xhtml head runat server title Untitled Page title meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset utf 8 link..
Why is F# so special? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/159356/why-is-f-so-special as multi core computing web services and data oriented meta programming. Here are some of the things that make F# highly.. and development Its support for LINQ and LINQ style meta programming. The support of Microsoft Research for a credible..
How can I programmatically generate keypress events in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1645815/how-can-i-programmatically-generate-keypress-events-in-c ... sends the event directly to the target without meta processing such as accelerators text composition and IME. This..
WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17209626/wpf-webbrowser-control-positionfixed-element-jumps-while-scrolling-windows-8 1 Grid Window Demo Page HTML DOCTYPE html html head meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE 9 title minimal position.. is set to 9000 and the META tag is fixed to be meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE 9 content IE9 is not a..
Unique file identifier in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1866454/unique-file-identifier-in-windows own unique identifier. My application associates various meta data with individual files. If files are modified renamed or..
C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19044659/c-sharp-webbrowser-control-form-submit-not-working-using-invokememberclick content of http localhost 81 test.html DOCTYPE html head meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge head body form action..
The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2435823/the-provided-uri-scheme-https-is-invalid-expected-http-parameter-name-via using WCFStorm which is able to retrieve all the meta data properly but when I call the actual method I get The provided..
How do I reflect over the members of dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634858/how-do-i-reflect-over-the-members-of-dynamic-object and any other IDynamicMetaObjectProvider who provides a meta object with an implementation of GetDynamicMemberNames without..
Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2700638/characters-in-string-changed-after-downloading-html-from-the-internet class which supports gzip and checks encoding header and meta tags in order to decode it correctly. Instantiate the class.. Stream memStream string html Match m new Regex @ meta s . charset s s charset A Za z0 9_ RegexOptions.Singleline RegexOptions.IgnoreCase.. unicode charset utf 16 charset utf 8 try Encoding metaEncoding Encoding.GetEncoding charset if Encoding metaEncoding..
Discriminated union in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3151702/discriminated-union-in-c-sharp ValueWrapper public DateTime ValueCreationDate ... other meta data about the value public object ValueA public object ValueB..
Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790728/performance-tests-of-serializations-used-by-wcf-bindings to exit Console.ReadKey static TypeModel CreateProto var meta TypeModel.Create meta.Add typeof Game false .Add Array.ConvertAll.. static TypeModel CreateProto var meta TypeModel.Create meta.Add typeof Game false .Add Array.ConvertAll typeof Game .GetProperties.. Array.ConvertAll typeof Game .GetProperties prop prop.Name meta.Add typeof Player false .Add Array.ConvertAll typeof Player..
Use XML includes or config references in app.config to include other config files' settings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480538/use-xml-includes-or-config-references-in-app-config-to-include-other-config-file object. The SectionInformation object contains meta information about a configuration section and allows some management..
Dependency Injection vs Service Location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985455/dependency-injection-vs-service-location like Log4Net simply do not suit DI. I call these meta dependencies and feel they should be opaque to calling code... We therefore require an opaque mechanism for obtaining meta dependencies. Two come to mind Singleton and SL. The former.. and then use SL from within that class to resolve these meta dependencies from the container. Hence catch 22 because the..
Icecast 2: protocol description, streaming to it using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5215019/icecast-2-protocol-description-streaming-to-it-using-c-sharp of band HTTP request. The source client sends GET admin metadata pass hackme mode updinfo mount mp3test song Even 20more.. pass hackme mode updinfo mount mp3test song Even 20more 20meta 21 21 HTTP 1.0 Authorization Basic c291cmNlOmhhY2ttZQ User Agent.. iceresponse Also note that both the audio stream and meta data requests are sent on the same port. Unlike SHOUTcast this..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c from the viewpoint of the program they're static. Template meta programming allows completely arbitrary computations to be carried.. in C# is normally done at compile time via template metaprogramming in C . There is definitely a trade off between runtime..
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable data table.Load reader This uses the FastMember's meta programming API for maximum performance. If you want to restrict..
Adding Meta Tag Programatically in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1432431/adding-meta-tag-programatically-in-c-sharp Meta Tag Programatically in c# I tried to add meta tag programatically.. with runat server in .aspx page . The code behind is HtmlMeta meta new HtmlMeta meta.Name robots meta.Content noindex follow.. in .aspx page . The code behind is HtmlMeta meta new HtmlMeta meta.Name robots meta.Content noindex follow this.Page.Header.Controls.Add..
Correlation of two arrays in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17447817/correlation-of-two-arrays-in-c-sharp line solution in C# I already discovered math lib called Meta Numerics. According to this SO question it should do the job... to this SO question it should do the job. Here is docs for Meta Numerics correlation method which I don't get. Could pls somebody..
ASP.NET request validation causes: is there a list? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200788/asp-net-request-validation-causes-is-there-a-list won't load for me in IE8 as described frequently in the Meta forum so I won't be able to Add comment. EDIT 1 Hi Oded are..
C# Buddy Classes / Meta Data and Reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2364610/c-sharp-buddy-classes-meta-data-and-reflection Buddy Classes Meta Data and Reflection I am trying to use reflection to check.. Int32 ID get set public virtual decimal Balance get set MetadataType typeof AccountViewModelMetaData public partial class.. Balance get set MetadataType typeof AccountViewModelMetaData public partial class AccountViewModel class AccountViewModelMetaData..
c#: how to read parts of a file? (DICOM) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2381983/c-how-to-read-parts-of-a-file-dicom by extra header information such as 0002 0000 File Meta Elements Groups Len 132 0002 0001 File Meta Info Version 256.. 0002 0000 File Meta Elements Groups Len 132 0002 0001 File Meta Info Version 256 0002 0010 Transfer Syntax UID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1...
C# Joins/Where with Linq and Lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767709/c-sharp-joins-where-with-linq-and-lambda code int id 1 var query database.Posts.Join database.Post_Metas post database.Posts.Where x x.ID id meta database.Post_Metas.Where.. post database.Posts.Where x x.ID id meta database.Post_Metas.Where x x.Post_ID id post meta new Post post Meta meta I'm.. x x.Post_ID id post meta new Post post Meta meta I'm new to using Linq so I'm not sure if this query is..
Icecast 2: protocol description, streaming to it using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5215019/icecast-2-protocol-description-streaming-to-it-using-c-sharp data. Just headers an empty line and then stream data. Meta Data Meta data is sent using an out of band HTTP request. The.. Just headers an empty line and then stream data. Meta Data Meta data is sent using an out of band HTTP request. The source client.. xml Content Length 113 xml version 1.0 iceresponse message Metadata update successful message return 1 return iceresponse Also..
Using Json.net - partial custom serialization of a c# object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404303/using-json-net-partial-custom-serialization-of-a-c-sharp-object The objects have a common set of properties but also have Meta property which is a dictionary During serialization I want the..
Script runs slower in the dotnet WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12490512/script-runs-slower-in-the-dotnet-webbrowser-control installed version of internet explorer either using a META tag in page or editing the Registry on the machine where the..
WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17209626/wpf-webbrowser-control-positionfixed-element-jumps-while-scrolling-windows-8 when FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION is set to 9000 and the META tag is fixed to be meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE..
HtmlAgilityPack — Does <form> close itself for some reason? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4218847/htmlagilitypack-does-form-close-itself-for-some-reason HtmlElementFlag.Empty It has the empty flag like META and IMG. Why Forms are most definitely not supposed to be empty...
HtmlAgilityPack WebGet.Load gives error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4767318/htmlagilitypack-webget-load-gives-error-object-reference-not-set-to-an-instance internals. The page not working has this meta content type META http equiv Content Type content text html charset 8859 9 where..
Erratic Invalid Viewstate issue in a .NET application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728513/erratic-invalid-viewstate-issue-in-a-net-application to occur only in certain timing situations only when a META HTTP EQUIV tag containing a Content Type with a CHARSET directive.. than specifying it within the page. So rather than putting META HTTP EQUIV Content Type CONTENT text html charset utf 8 In your.. have been reports that this problem still happens when the META HTTP EQUIV is not on the page. We will update this comment when..