c# Programming Glossary: menus
Application developers wanting to start web development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032245/application-developers-wanting-to-start-web-development Design inspiration http cssline.com Pure CSS menus http www.seoconsultants.com css menus horizontal Javascript.. cssline.com Pure CSS menus http www.seoconsultants.com css menus horizontal Javascript Tutorial http www.w3schools.com js default.asp..
Dynamically Updating TabControl Content at Runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15209870/dynamically-updating-tabcontrol-content-at-runtime runtime. It takes a string argument to specify what set of menus to draw although at this point I've only written the code for..
How to hide the inner controls of a UserControl in the Designer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3669582/how-to-hide-the-inner-controls-of-a-usercontrol-in-the-designer including designtime editable areas and custom action menus the menu associated with the arrow in the upper right corner..
How do I create a TabControl with no tab headers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4912354/how-do-i-create-a-tabcontrol-with-no-tab-headers content can only be changed through code. It's good for menus where various menu options change the screen contents. c# .net..
Hosting external app in WPF window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5028598/hosting-external-app-in-wpf-window I don't trust can legitimately handle my windows and menus created by my process Still you can do quite a lot application.. all Windows traditional hacks. You could also remove item menus you don't like as explained here http support.microsoft.com..
How do I add a custom routed command in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/601393/how-do-i-add-a-custom-routed-command-in-wpf in WPF I have an application that contains Menu and sub menus. I have attached Appliocation Commands to some of the sub menu..
How to optimize MySQL Boolean Full-Text Search? (Or what to replace it with?) - C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034976/how-to-optimize-mysql-boolean-full-text-search-or-what-to-replace-it-with Your search UI would be crafted as a series of dropdown menus to guide users to specific results. Or if a majority of searches..
Is it better to use WPF over Windows Forms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/640633/is-it-better-to-use-wpf-over-windows-forms there too subtle but things like flickering issues when menus pull over your hwnd etc . The WPF compositor with D3DImage gets..
How to put an icon in a MenuItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6623672/how-to-put-an-icon-in-a-menuitem it is done in this example http www.codeproject.com KB menus cs_menus.aspx Any help is appreciated. c# .net winforms .net.. done in this example http www.codeproject.com KB menus cs_menus.aspx Any help is appreciated. c# .net winforms .net 2.0 share..
UI library for XNA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/909671/ui-library-for-xna way too much time implementing basic UI functionality like menus rich text rendering including wrapping and basic UI lay out..
How can I make a .Net Winforms application that only runs in the System Tray? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995195/how-can-i-make-a-net-winforms-application-that-only-runs-in-the-system-tray child windows if desired. How to support dynamic context menus. The standard NotifyIcon exists in WinForms space can I do a..