

c# Programming Glossary: kvp.value

Remove Item in Dictionary based on Value


string string kvp in myDic if myList.Any x x.Id kvp.Value myDic.Remove kvp.Key c# linq .net 3.5 c# 3.0 dictionary.. value you can do this foreach var item in dic.Where kvp kvp.Value value .ToList dic.Remove item.Key And if you wish to remove.. the first item and just remove that var item dic.First kvp kvp.Value value dic.Remove item.Key Note The ToList call is necessary..

What is a catamorphism and can it be implemented in C# 3.0?


differences so color diffs Red tb.Foreground kvp.Value Brushes.Black Brushes.Red tb.HorizontalContentAlignment HorizontalAlignment.Center..

Dynamic Object Serialization


foreach var kvp in this.values info.AddValue kvp.Key kvp.Value I guess I could have used an ExpandoObject but that's another..

Comparing 2 Dictionary<string, string> Instances


kvp.Key out secondValue return false if comparer.Equals kvp.Value secondValue return false return true share improve this answer..

The order of elements in Dictionary


kvp in _Dictionary Trace.Write String.Format 0 1 kvp.Key kvp.Value In what order will be the elements enumerated Can I force the..

parse and execute JS by C#


object kvp in namedItems engine.SetNamedItem kvp.Key kvp.Value return engine.Eval expression summary Evaluates an expression...

XML Serialize dynamic object


foreach var kvp in dictionary info.AddValue kvp.Key kvp.Value KnownType typeof DynamicSerializable DataContract public class..