c# Programming Glossary: keystroke
How do I raise an event via reflection in .NET/C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198543/how-do-i-raise-an-event-via-reflection-in-net-c ButtonEdit control . I want to make a particular keystroke Alt Down emulate clicking the button. In order to avoid writing..
Sending keystrokes to a program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2744111/sending-keystrokes-to-a-program keystrokes to a program In window form I made a button and I'm trying.. process's name such as firefox.exe c# winforms sendkeys keystroke share improve this question By Window name DllImport User32.dll..
Simulating Keyboard with SendInput API in DirectInput applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3644881/simulating-keyboard-with-sendinput-api-in-directinput-applications of the scan code. This is useful to simulate a physical keystroke regardless of which keyboard is currently being used. The virtual..
Is this thread.abort() normal and safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421389/is-this-thread-abort-normal-and-safe with maybe a half second timeout and resetting it on each keystroke. Think about it a fast typist might create a score of threads.. the request until a short period of time after the last keystroke has elapsed then you have a better chance of hitting that sweet.. this technique though is that you reset the timer on every keystroke . And unless you expect database requests to actually hang don't..
How can I prevent a user from closing my C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4655810/how-can-i-prevent-a-user-from-closing-my-c-sharp-application the close icon in the system window menu and the Alt F4 keystroke this is relatively straightforward. You'll need to override..
How to distinguish between multiple input devices in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/587840/how-to-distinguish-between-multiple-input-devices-in-c-sharp keyData return true But then along with ignoring the keystrokes from the keyboard the barcode scanner input is also ignored... you have hooked up you will see a WM_INPUT before the keystroke is mapped to a device independent virtual key that you typically..
How do I capture Keys.F1 regardless of the focused control on a form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951496/how-do-i-capture-keys-f1-regardless-of-the-focused-control-on-a-form the F1 key return true indicate that you handled this keystroke Call the base class return base.ProcessCmdKey ref msg keyData.. keyData You return true to indicate that you handled the keystroke and don't want it to be passed on to other controls. If you..
How to prevent Windows from entering idle state? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302185/how-to-prevent-windows-from-entering-idle-state by resetting the system idle timer. Use SendInput to fake keystroke mouse motion clicks Another alternative would be to change your..
Capture any kind of keystrokes (aka keylogger), preferably c# .net but any kind will do http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6465526/capture-any-kind-of-keystrokes-aka-keylogger-preferably-c-sharp-net-but-any any kind of keystrokes aka keylogger preferably c# .net but any kind will do I need.. experiment just for fun and progress c# .net capture keystroke keystrokes share improve this question Tutorial Programming.. just for fun and progress c# .net capture keystroke keystrokes share improve this question Tutorial Programming a Keylogger..
Moving to next control on Enter keypress in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8203329/moving-to-next-control-on-enter-keypress-in-wpf e.Handled true Edit I updated the code to mark the keystroke as handled if the movement was successful and also toggle the..
How to send a string to other application including Microsoft Word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8884763/how-to-send-a-string-to-other-application-including-microsoft-word method is courtesy of pinvoke.net . summary Synthesizes keystrokes corresponding to the specified Unicode string sending them.. purpose structure which can be used for synthesizing keystrokes mouse motions and button clicks. INPUT input new INPUT Need.. public ushort wScan Specifies various aspects of a keystroke. See the KEYEVENTF_ constants for more information. public uint..
.NET call to send [enter] keystroke into the current process, which is a console app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9016087/net-call-to-send-enter-keystroke-into-the-current-process-which-is-a-console call to send enter keystroke into the current process which is a console app Is there a.. which is a console app Is there a way to poke the enter keystroke into the current process to force the thread blocking on Console.ReadLine..