c# Programming Glossary: kiosk
How to trap the keyboard strokes on a c# win forms application (CTRl + alt +Del) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292165/how-to-trap-the-keyboard-strokes-on-a-c-sharp-win-forms-application-ctrl-alt go is the comment from Pierre Alain Vigeant if this is a kiosk computer or something. Then it would actually make sense to..
Hide the taskbar using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344652/hide-the-taskbar-using-c-sharp mode. Please help me on this. Thanks. c# windows security kiosk share improve this question I've done this by making the..
WPF in kiosk mode - taskbar troubles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808505/wpf-in-kiosk-mode-taskbar-troubles in kiosk mode taskbar troubles I'm trying to build an application that.. has focus or not. Thanks for the heads up HakonB c# wpf kiosk share improve this question Take a look at Scott Hanselman's.. the application. It features a baby safe application in kiosk mode. You can find the project on Codeplex share improve this..
Printing to a specific printer from a web app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206880/printing-to-a-specific-printer-from-a-web-app a web app If I have a printer hooked directly to a pc a kiosk with a printer how would I go about creating the ability for.. ability for a web page .net web app to print a jpg to the kiosks printer with no user intervention other than clicking a button..
How to apply Windows group policy using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2266797/how-to-apply-windows-group-policy-using-net that needs to temporarily put a machine into a restricted kiosk like state. One of the things I need to control is access to..
Message pump in .NET Windows service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443867/message-pump-in-net-windows-service in C# that handles all of our external hardware I O for a kiosk application. One of our new devices is a USB device that comes..
Windows Kiosk App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3581059/windows-kiosk-app Kiosk App So I need to build a kiosk type of application for use in an internet cafe. The app needs.. have to inherit certain classes etc... c# windows shell kiosk share improve this question You should check out Microsoft..
Running Program as Administrator at Startup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5127375/running-program-as-administrator-at-startup Program as Administrator at Startup I have a kiosk app and want to run it at startup. The problem here is that..