

c# Programming Glossary: keyvalue

HowTo Disable WebBrowser 'Click Sound' in your app only


Schemes Apps Explorer Navigating .Current string keyValue string key.GetValue null return String.IsNullOrEmpty keyValue.. string key.GetValue null return String.IsNullOrEmpty keyValue false keyValue set string keyValue if value keyValue.. null return String.IsNullOrEmpty keyValue false keyValue set string keyValue if value keyValue SystemRoot Media..

how to use RSA to encrypt files (huge data) in C#


key information. RSA.ImportParameters RSAKeyInfo byte keyValue Convert.FromBase64String publicKey RSA.ImportCspBlob keyValue.. Convert.FromBase64String publicKey RSA.ImportCspBlob keyValue Encrypt the passed byte array and specify OAEP padding. OAEP..

Getting incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider


string inputValue valid128BitString string keyValue valid128BitString string iv valid128BitString byte byteValForString.. result Aes128Utility.EncryptData byteValForString keyValue EncryptResult encyptedValue new EncryptResult encyptedValue.IV.. Aes128Utility.DecryptData encyptedValue keyValue Console.WriteLine finalResult if String.Equals inputValue finalResult..

Is the conditional operator slow?


on the enum value for the non special cases string keyValue inKey.ToString return shift keyValue keyValue.ToLower EDIT I've.. special cases string keyValue inKey.ToString return shift keyValue keyValue.ToLower EDIT I've compared the if else method with.. cases string keyValue inKey.ToString return shift keyValue keyValue.ToLower EDIT I've compared the if else method with the ternary..

generic GetById for complex PK


its order in array var keyPairs _keyNames.Zip keys keyName keyValue new KeyValuePair string object keyName keyValue Build entity.. keyName keyValue new KeyValuePair string object keyName keyValue Build entity key var entityKey new EntityKey _entitySetName..

jQuery Ajax calls to web service seem to be synchronous


stopPollingError Site.js function callAsynchMethod url keyValue callBack callBackError .ajax type POST url url data keyValue.. callBack callBackError .ajax type POST url url data keyValue contentType application json charset utf 8 success callBack..