c# Programming Glossary: isinrole
Active Directory Group Membership Checking in .Net 4.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13147132/active-directory-group-membership-checking-in-net-4-5 I confirmed another known group name works. Second Attempt IsInRole The next step taken was to go a more old fashioned route and.. was to go a more old fashioned route and use IPrincipal.IsInRole and again one returns false the other true . var wp WindowsPrincipal.. true . var wp WindowsPrincipal User false var inGroup1 wp.IsInRole @ domain groupName1 true var inGroup2 wp.IsInRole @ domain groupName2..
How can I get elevated permissions (UAC) via impersonation under a non-interactive login? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5098121/how-can-i-get-elevated-permissions-uac-via-impersonation-under-a-non-interacti ident Console.WriteLine 0 1 ident.Name princ.IsInRole WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator RegistryKey root Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey.. When run in elevated console IsInRole returned true and no error opening the subkey. When run in non.. error opening the subkey. When run in non elevated console IsInRole returned true and errored opening the subkey Unhandled Exception..
Is this Custom Principal in Base Controller ASP.NET MVC 3 terribly inefficient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8263845/is-this-custom-principal-in-base-controller-asp-net-mvc-3-terribly-inefficient return _identity private List string _roles public bool IsInRole string role return _roles.Contains role private string _email..