

c# Programming Glossary: isadministrator

Detect if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges?


or not. I currently have code set up like this static bool IsAdministrator WindowsIdentity identity WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent WindowsPrincipal..

Check if the current user is administrator


this question Using WindowsPrincipal public static bool IsAdministrator WindowsIdentity identity WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent WindowsPrincipal..

ServiceController permissions in Windows 7


public static class VistaSecurity public static bool IsAdministrator WindowsIdentity identity WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent if null.. path FileName name Arguments arguments if IsAdministrator info.Verb runas try return Process.Start info catch Win32Exception..

Correct way to deal with UAC in C#


is already admin you can do this public static bool IsAdministrator WindowsIdentity identity WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent if identity..

MVC Custom Authentication, Authorization, and Roles Implementation


if a user's roles contains Administrator role. public bool IsAdministrator Roles userRoles return userRoles.HasFlag Roles.Administrator.. privileges. var userRoles AggregateRoles user.Roles return IsAdministrator userRoles IsUserInAnyRoles userRoles roles I chose to use this..