c# Programming Glossary: ishellfolder
How get list of local network computers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2557551/how-get-list-of-local-network-computers with CSIDL_NETWORK. I get all network PC. C use method IShellFolder EnumObjects C# you can use Gong Solutions Shell Library using..
Recognize Windows Shell Special Folder (i.e. get its CSIDL) via its pIDL (Now determine if pIDLs are equal with C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3572220/recognize-windows-shell-special-folder-i-e-get-its-csidl-via-its-pidl-now-de The problem I'm having is that when I encounter IShellFolders as I work my way down the heirarchy I cannot find a way to.. way down the heirarchy I cannot find a way to match up the IShellFolders to their CSIDL. This is my current approach Initialize a static.. csidl fullPIdl Start the heirarchy with the Desktop IShellFolder int hResult ShellApi.SHGetDesktopFolder ref _shellFolder hResult..