

c# Programming Glossary: intelligent

View Generated Source (After AJAX/JavaScript) in C#


variable is set in two places. This is not due to an intelligent design decision I'm still working on it and will update this..

.NET Configuration (app.config/web.config/settings.settings)


your .config files more source control friendly through intelligent use of configSource . I've been doing this for 7 years on over..

Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable?


it or if there are better more efficent ways or just more intelligent ways Maybe Linq native .Net providers to use instead ALSO just..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


come first serve suffice or do you need something more intelligent i.e. that would prevent starvation A A simple round robin type..

How to create SQL Server 2008 database full backup programmatically in desired folder


Why must I provide explicitly generic parameter types While the compiler should infer the type?


TypeT1 TypeT2 Compared to my desired usage with a more intelligent compiler objOfTypeT2 objOfTypeT1.Cast TypeT2 or maybe I should.. objOfTypeT1.Cast TypeT2 or maybe I should be more intelligent Beware that I provide the return type . I want to not provide..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


every VM including Microsoft's I believe attempts to make intelligent decisions about what to compile and what to interpret. It does..

What type of collection should I use?


results you show to the user. All in all you can perform intelligent detailed fuzzy searches in real time. The aforementioned structures..