

c# Programming Glossary: int.parse

C# convert integer to hex and back again


X Convert the hex string back to the number int decAgain int.Parse hexValue System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber from http..

Convert string[] to int[] in one string of code using LINQ


Array.ConvertAll method int myInts Array.ConvertAll arr s int.Parse s Thanks to Marc Gravell for pointing out that the lambda can.. version shown below int myInts Array.ConvertAll arr int.Parse A LINQ solution is similar except you would need the extra ToArray..

Double to string conversion without scientific notation


new string exponentParts 0 0 int exponentValue int.Parse exponentParts 1 string newNumber decimalParts 0 decimalParts..

Converting Unicode strings to escaped ascii string


Regex.Replace value @ u Value a zA Z0 9 4 m return char int.Parse m.Groups Value .Value NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString Outputs..

Whats the main difference between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32


the main difference between int.Parse and Convert.ToInt32 I am using C# and wanted to know the main..

Get output parameter value in ADO.NET


@ID .Value Throws FormatException int idFromString int.Parse outputIdParam.Value.ToString Throws InvalidCastException int..

call one constructor from another


class Sample public Sample string theIntAsString int i int.Parse theIntAsString _intField i public Sample int theInt _intField..

Process.start: how to get the output?


do something with line You can use int.Parse or int.TryParse to convert the strings to numeric values. You..

How to detect whether a character belongs to a Right To Left language?


' ' where properties 4 R properties 4 AL select int.Parse properties 0 NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier foreach var codepoint..

Parse v. TryParse


is the difference between Parse and TryParse int number int.Parse textBoxNumber.Text The Try Parse Method int.TryParse textBoxNumber.Text..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


ever write int value if int.TryParse text value value int.Parse text Use value That's sort of what is and cast is doing although..

How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal in C#?


X To convert from Hex to Decimal do either... int decValue int.Parse hexValue System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber or int..

Client configuration to consume WCF JSON web service


IService1 public Car GetCar string id return new Car ID int.Parse id Make Porsche public Car UpdateCar string f Car car return..

Use own IComparer<T> with Linq OrderBy


and consider i18n issues too if valueA 0 valueB 0 return int.Parse valueA 1 .CompareTo int.Parse valueB 1 else return int.Parse.. if valueA 0 valueB 0 return int.Parse valueA 1 .CompareTo int.Parse valueB 1 else return int.Parse valueA 0 .CompareTo int.Parse.. valueA 1 .CompareTo int.Parse valueB 1 else return int.Parse valueA 0 .CompareTo int.Parse valueB 0 Note that this doesn't..