c# Programming Glossary: int32rect
How do I display a Windows file icon in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1325625/how-do-i-display-a-windows-file-icon-in-wpf img Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon i.Handle new Int32Rect 0 0 i.Width i.Height BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions share..
The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2728896/the-calling-thread-cannot-access-this-object-because-a-different-thread-owns-it cb new CroppedBitmap new WriteableBitmap bf new Int32Rect 1 1 5 5 the exception is gone why Code 1 an exception at cb.Freeze.. new Action CroppedBitmap cb new CroppedBitmap bf new Int32Rect 1 1 5 5 cb.Freeze set Image's source to cb.... DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle.. bf wb.Freeze this.Dispatcher.Invoke new Action var r new Int32Rect 1 1 5 5 CroppedBitmap cb new CroppedBitmap wb r cb.Freeze..
C# - Convert WPF Image.source to a System.Drawing.Bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5689674/c-sharp-convert-wpf-image-source-to-a-system-drawing-bitmap ptr Marshal.AllocHGlobal height stride srs.CopyPixels new Int32Rect 0 0 width height ptr height stride stride btm new System.Drawing.Bitmap..