c# Programming Glossary: int16
Get an IDataReader from a typed List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258310/get-an-idatareader-from-a-typed-list int i return Guid GetValue i public virtual short GetInt16 int i return Int16 GetValue i public virtual int GetInt32.. GetValue i public virtual short GetInt16 int i return Int16 GetValue i public virtual int GetInt32 int i return Int32..
C# generic constraint for only integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32664/c-sharp-generic-constraint-for-only-integers there is a way with c# generics to limit a type T to only Int16 Int32 Int64 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 I'm aware of the where keyword.. c# generics to limit a type T to only Int16 Int32 Int64 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 I'm aware of the where keyword but can't find..
Kill child process when parent process is killed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3342941/kill-child-process-when-parent-process-is-killed public Int64 PerJobUserTimeLimit public Int16 LimitFlags public UInt32 MinimumWorkingSetSize public UInt32.. public UInt32 MaximumWorkingSetSize public Int16 ActiveProcessLimit public Int64 Affinity public Int16 PriorityClass.. Int16 ActiveProcessLimit public Int64 Affinity public Int16 PriorityClass public Int16 SchedulingClass StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential..
c# (WinForms-App) export DataSet to Excel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373925/c-sharp-winforms-app-export-dataset-to-excel the ss Cell and ss Data tags for something if value is Int16 value is Int32 value is Int64 value is SByte value is UInt16.. value is Int32 value is Int64 value is SByte value is UInt16 value is UInt32 value is UInt64 value is Byte WriteExcelStyledCell..
Start a windows service and launch cmd http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147821/start-a-windows-service-and-launch-cmd public Int32 dwFillAttribute public Int32 dwFlags public Int16 wShowWindow public Int16 cbReserved2 public IntPtr lpReserved2.. public Int32 dwFlags public Int16 wShowWindow public Int16 cbReserved2 public IntPtr lpReserved2 public IntPtr hStdInput..
C# Equivalent of SQL Server 2005 DataTypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425389/c-sharp-equivalent-of-sql-server-2005-datatypes SqlBoolean Boolean tinyint SqlByte Byte smallint SqlInt16 Int16 int SqlInt32 Int32 bigint SqlInt64 Int64 smallmoney.. Boolean tinyint SqlByte Byte smallint SqlInt16 Int16 int SqlInt32 Int32 bigint SqlInt64 Int64 smallmoney SqlMoney..
DataTable to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451460/datatable-to-json new Type typeof byte typeof decimal typeof double typeof Int16 typeof Int32 typeof SByte typeof Single typeof UInt16 typeof.. Int16 typeof Int32 typeof SByte typeof Single typeof UInt16 typeof UInt32 typeof UInt64 I don't want to rebuild this value..
Format for 'short', 'long', and 'int' literal in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5820721/format-for-short-long-and-int-literal-in-c these I'm specifically looking for a suffix for short or Int16 . c# language specifications share improve this question..
Working example of CreateJobObject/SetInformationJobObject pinvoke in .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6266820/working-example-of-createjobobject-setinformationjobobject-pinvoke-in-net public Int64 PerJobUserTimeLimit public Int16 LimitFlags public UIntPtr MinimumWorkingSetSize public UIntPtr.. public UIntPtr MaximumWorkingSetSize public Int16 ActiveProcessLimit public Int64 Affinity public Int16 PriorityClass.. Int16 ActiveProcessLimit public Int64 Affinity public Int16 PriorityClass public Int16 SchedulingClass public enum LimitFlags..
PostgreSQL and C# Datatypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/845458/postgresql-and-c-sharp-datatypes p s Decimal path point polygon real Single smallint Int16 serial text String time p without time zone time p with time.. Decimal Decimal float4 Real Single Single int2 Smallint Int16 Int16 text Text String String time Time Time DateTime timetz.. Decimal float4 Real Single Single int2 Smallint Int16 Int16 text Text String String time Time Time DateTime timetz Time..
How A Month is defined in the rest of the world? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8820603/how-a-month-is-defined-in-the-rest-of-the-world the small piece of codes as below VB.Net Dim months As Int16 DateDiff DateInterval.Month startDate endDate If startDate.Day..