c# Programming Glossary: hyperdescriptor
Extending a solution for simple binding to a 'Text property to multiple Controls to handle binding to any Type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391828/extending-a-solution-for-simple-binding-to-a-text-property-to-multiple-controls
How to copy value from class X to class Y with the same property name in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/531505/how-to-copy-value-from-class-x-to-class-y-with-the-same-property-name-in-c If you use ComponentModel you can at least use HyperDescriptor to get it nearly as quick as Expression Student source ... StudentDTO..
Convert DataTable to generic List? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545328/convert-datatable-to-generic-list Note that if I was doing this lots I'd either switch to HyperDescriptor or if .NET 3.5 was an option maybe a compiled Expression. Since.. compiled Expression. Since DataTable isn't strongly typed HyperDescriptor would be a logical next step for performance after the below.....
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable this one reflection would suffice or if you need quicker HyperDescriptor in 2.0 or maybe Expression in 3.5. Actually HyperDescriptor.. in 2.0 or maybe Expression in 3.5. Actually HyperDescriptor should be more than adequate. For example remove this if not.. this many many times faster than reflection by enabling HyperDescriptor for the object type T . edit re performance query here's a test..