c# Programming Glossary: hugely
dynamic vs object type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3442821/dynamic-vs-object-type more flexible c# share improve this question They're hugely different. If you use dynamic you're opting into dynamic typing..
Calling virtual method in base class constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448258/calling-virtual-method-in-base-class-constructor to avoid it where possible but without bending the design hugely . For instance the initialize later option prohibits immutability...
Cannot implicitly convert List<T> to Collection<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/524428/cannot-implicitly-convert-listt-to-collectiont x Still nice to have in a convenient constructor but not hugely efficient it can't be really. I don't believe the constructor..
Curious null-coalescing operator custom implicit conversion behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6256847/curious-null-coalescing-operator-custom-implicit-conversion-behaviour A to int The fact that Foo gets called twice here is hugely surprising to me I can't see any reason for the expression to..
How to convert a String to its equivalent Expression Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/821365/how-to-convert-a-string-to-its-equivalent-expression-tree not writing a parser using Expression under the hood isn't hugely taxing I wrote one similar although I don't think I have the..
Generics vs. Array Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94884/generics-vs-array-lists is as you say better. However unless performance is hugely important AND you've already optimised in other areas you're..