c# Programming Glossary: hw
UDID for windows 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16893746/udid-for-windows-8 you to minimize customers effort when they change their hw sw setup. In this case a good compromise could be the OS serial..
Get all links on html page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2248411/get-all-links-on-html-page page on how to find all the links in a page HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load url foreach HtmlNode link.. links in a page HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load url foreach HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes..
Select only items in a specific DIV using HtmlAgilityPack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875347/select-only-items-in-a-specific-div-using-htmlagilitypack time I call SelectNodes. The code I use is below HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load @ http example.com HtmlNode.. I use is below HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load @ http example.com HtmlNode node doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode..
Generate pdf file after retrieving the information [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5244348/generate-pdf-file-after-retrieving-the-information StringWriter sw new StringWriter HtmlTextWriter hw new HtmlTextWriter sw GridView grd new GridView grd.DataSource.. data from DB in Datatable grd.DataBind grd.RenderControl hw StringReader sr new StringReader sw.ToString Document pdfDoc..
HTML Agility Pack HtmlDocument Show All Html? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5599012/html-agility-pack-htmldocument-show-all-html static HtmlDocument GetWebPageFromUrl string url var hw new HtmlWeb return hw.Load url But how to I spit the entire.. GetWebPageFromUrl string url var hw new HtmlWeb return hw.Load url But how to I spit the entire contents of the HTML out.. public static string GetWebPageHtmlFromUrl string url var hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load url return doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml..