c# Programming Glossary: hwndparent
How to pass a nullable type to a P/invoked function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1049623/how-to-pass-a-nullable-type-to-a-p-invoked-function ref Guid ClassGuid int enumerator IntPtr hwndParent uint Flags I'd like to be able to pass the Guid parameter as.. ref Guid ClassGuid ref int enumerator IntPtr hwndParent uint Flags DllImport setupapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError.. ref Guid ClassGuid IntPtr enumerator IntPtr hwndParent uint Flags Note I added a ref class to the first signature...
Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438371/win32-api-function-to-programmatically-enable-disable-device MarshalAs UnmanagedType.LPWStr string enumerator IntPtr hwndParent SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags flags DllImport setupapi CallingConvention..
C# Position Window On Desktop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1966229/c-sharp-position-window-on-desktop new parent window IntPtr hwndf this.Handle IntPtr hwndParent FindWindow ProgMan null SetParent hwndf hwndParent this.TopMost.. IntPtr hwndParent FindWindow ProgMan null SetParent hwndf hwndParent this.TopMost false That would reparent your form as a child..
Get URL from browser to C# application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3579649/get-url-from-browser-to-c-sharp-application static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr hwndParent EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam public delegate bool.. static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr hwndParent EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam public delegate bool..
Show Authentication dialog in C# for windows Vista/7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4134882/show-authentication-dialog-in-c-sharp-for-windows-vista-7 struct CREDUI_INFO public int cbSize public IntPtr hwndParent public string pszMessageText public string pszCaptionText public..
How to send text to Notepad in C#/Win32? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523405/how-to-send-text-to-notepad-in-c-win32 public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx IntPtr hwndParent IntPtr hwndChildAfter string lpszClass string lpszWindow DllImport..
How to write and send text to mIRC in C#/Win32? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523669/how-to-write-and-send-text-to-mirc-in-c-win32 public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx IntPtr hwndParent IntPtr hwndChildAfter string lpszClass string lpszWindow DllImport..
I created a program to hide desktop icons on double click of desktop but would only like to hide icons on double click empty space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222749/i-created-a-program-to-hide-desktop-icons-on-double-click-of-desktop-but-would-o static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr hwndParent EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam DllImport user32.dll.. true public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx IntPtr hwndParent IntPtr hwndChildAfter string lpszClass string lpszWindow DllImport..
How can I get functionality similar to Spy++ in my C# app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1967604/how-can-i-get-functionality-similar-to-spy-in-my-c-sharp-app IntPtr hWnd Int32 dwID GetWindowLong hWnd GWL_ID IntPtr hWndParent GetParent hWnd StringBuilder title new StringBuilder 128 SendDlgItemMessage.. title new StringBuilder 128 SendDlgItemMessage hWndParent dwID WM_GETTEXT 128 title return title hope this helps regards..
How to access Microsoft Word existing instance using late binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203968/how-to-access-microsoft-word-existing-instance-using-late-binding User32.dll public static extern bool EnumChildWindows int hWndParent EnumChildCallback lpEnumFunc ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll..
Hosting external app in WPF window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5028598/hosting-external-app-in-wpf-window private static extern IntPtr SetParent IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hWndParent DllImport user32 private static extern bool SetWindowPos IntPtr..
How to use use late binding to get excel instance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/779363/how-to-use-use-late-binding-to-get-excel-instance User32.dll public static extern bool EnumChildWindows int hWndParent EnumChildCallback lpEnumFunc ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll.. User32.dll _ Public Function EnumChildWindows ByVal hWndParent As Integer ByVal lpEnumFunc As EnumChildCallback ByRef lParam..
Get the excel cell address from a UDF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8708030/get-the-excel-cell-address-from-a-udf User32.dll public static extern bool EnumChildWindows int hWndParent EnumChildCallback lpEnumFunc ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll..