c# Programming Glossary: google.com
How do you click a button in a webbrowser control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11271737/how-do-you-click-a-button-in-a-webbrowser-control assuming I've already filled in the search box and am at google.com c# button web browser share improve this question webBrowser.Navigate.. share improve this question webBrowser.Navigate http www.google.com If you have an ID use this webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById.. If you have TagName use this webBrowser.Navigate http www.google.com In Web Browser DocumentCompleted event HtmlElement textElement..
Http Monitor in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11392250/http-monitor-in-c-sharp know what data. i want to get http host for example http google.com how can i monitor system http thanks. c# http sockets proxy..
Dns.BeginGetHost… methods blocking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11480742/dns-begingethost-methods-blocking Func IAsyncResult IPHostEntry Dns.EndGetHostEntry google.com null then Task.WaitAll for everything to complete. I'm seeing..
Getting text between all tags in a given html and recursively going through links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13662267/getting-text-between-all-tags-in-a-given-html-and-recursively-going-through-link void getting_html_code_of_link string urlAddress http google.com HttpWebRequest request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create urlAddress..
Get just the domain name from a URL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2154167/get-just-the-domain-name-from-a-url to use Regex but then i decided to use URI class http www.google.com url sa t source web ct res cd 1 ved 0CAgQFjAA url http www.test.com.. I need to convert the above to google.com and google without the www I did the following Uri test new.. log.Info Domain part test.Host Basically this returns www.google.com .... i would like to try and return 2 forms if possible... as..
How to mix Grammar (Rules) & Dictation (Free speech) with SpeechRecognizer in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3046921/how-to-mix-grammar-rules-dictation-free-speech-with-speechrecognizer-in-c void launchGoogle string term Process.Start IEXPLORE google.com q term c# speech recognition sapi voice recognition share..
How to open in default browser in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4580263/how-to-open-in-default-browser-in-c-sharp this question You can just write Process.Start http google.com EDIT The WebBrowser control is an embedded copy of IE. Therefore..
Email messages going to spam folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5042309/email-messages-going-to-spam-folder your message. Look for headers like Received SPF softfail google.com domain of transitioning xxx@xxx.org does not designate xx.xx.xx.xx.. sender client ip xx.xx.xx.xx Authentication Results mx.google.com spf softfail google.com domain of transitioning xxx@xxx.org.. Authentication Results mx.google.com spf softfail google.com domain of transitioning xxx@xxx.org does not designate xx.xx.xx.xx..
Choosing which IP the HTTP request is using when having multiple IPs (.NET) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5515000/choosing-which-ip-the-http-request-is-using-when-having-multiple-ips-net int sendingPort 5000 Uri uri new Uri http google.com HttpWebRequest wr HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create uri ServicePoint..
C# : Getting exact domain name from any URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5984361/c-sharp-getting-exact-domain-name-from-any-url exact domain name from any Url. For example Url http www.google.com Domain google.com Url http www.google.co.uk path1 path2 Domain.. from any Url. For example Url http www.google.com Domain google.com Url http www.google.co.uk path1 path2 Domain google.co.uk How..
Check if a server is available http://stackoverflow.com/questions/614336/check-if-a-server-is-available var ping new Ping var reply ping.Send google.com 60 1000 1 minute time out in ms or... reply ping.Send new IPAddress..
How do I display a popup from a WebBrowser in another window I created? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6470842/how-do-i-display-a-popup-from-a-webbrowser-in-another-window-i-created Form1 InitializeComponent webBrowser1.Url new Uri http google.com SHDocVw.WebBrowser nativeBrowser protected override void OnLoad..
Why is this WebRequest code slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/754333/why-is-this-webrequest-code-slow var s DateTime.Now for int i 0 i 100 i DL.CheckExist http google.com lol i.ToString .jpg var e DateTime.Now var d e s d d Console.WriteLine.. javascript for var i 0 i 100 i document.write img src http google.com lol i .jpg br script body html Using my comp time and counting..
C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924679/c-sharp-how-can-i-check-if-a-url-exists-is-valid no content downloaded string s1 client.DownloadString http google.com throws 404 string s2 client.DownloadString http google.com silly.. google.com throws 404 string s2 client.DownloadString http google.com silly You would try catch around the DownloadString to check..
How do i get the difference in two lists in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9840539/how-do-i-get-the-difference-in-two-lists-in-c songs.Add yet another Attribute a new Attribute 500 http google.com something attributes.Add a I want a way to return another and..