c# Programming Glossary: fedex
Removing Duplicate row from a table based on one column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14183706/removing-duplicate-row-from-a-table-based-on-one-column ID Customer Salesperson Origin Destination Rate 13356 FedEx Alex Duluth New York 300 13356 FedEx Steve Florida Kansas 400.. Rate 13356 FedEx Alex Duluth New York 300 13356 FedEx Steve Florida Kansas 400 I only want the first row to show 13356.. Florida Kansas 400 I only want the first row to show 13356 FedEx Alex Duluth New York 300 and remove the bottom row 13356 FedEx..
ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101116/asp-net-mvc-post-call-returning-string-need-help-with-format-for-jqgrid the values for the dropdown formatted like this value FE FedEx IN InTime TN TNT I'm using the StringBuilder to iterate through.. sb.Append ID sb.Append ' ' sb.Append q.Destination to has FedEx FedEx InTime InTime TNT TNT instead of ID FedEx ID InTime ID.. ID sb.Append ' ' sb.Append q.Destination to has FedEx FedEx InTime InTime TNT TNT instead of ID FedEx ID InTime ID TNT ...