c# Programming Glossary: fear
C#: How can I safely convert a byte array into a string and back? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1134671/c-how-can-i-safely-convert-a-byte-array-into-a-string-and-back like that. Oh and you can cut and paste without much fear too. Yes you end up with 4 characters for every 3 bytes but..
WebAPI Request Streaming support http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14452871/webapi-request-streaming-support to consider 1 Web API by default buffers requests so your fear that the memory footprint might be considerable is definitely..
glob pattern matching in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188892/glob-pattern-matching-in-net . I'd like to use this for a end user facing control. I fear that permitting all RegEx capabilities will be very confusing...
C# Double - ToString() formatting with two decimal places but no rounding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2453951/c-sharp-double-tostring-formatting-with-two-decimal-places-but-no-rounding simply do the following string s string.Format 0 N2 x No fear of rounding and takes the default number format share improve..
Is there ever a reason to use goto in modern .NET code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2542289/is-there-ever-a-reason-to-use-goto-in-modern-net-code stuff I've heard all of the thou shalt not use goto on fear of exile to hell for eternity spiel. I always held MS coders..
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time Now you can safely use RegisterInstance without fear of being driven to the brink of madness. Just to be sure here's..
Parsing JSON data with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4109807/parsing-json-data-with-c-sharp Bret Taylor id 220439 message Pigs run from our house in fear. Tonight I am wrapping the pork tenderloin in bacon and putting..
Help needed with unloading .DLL's from AppDomain - Still not working even with ShadowCopy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034654/help-needed-with-unloading-dlls-from-appdomain-still-not-working-even-with-s the .DLL or something along those lines. In this case I fear that using the Interface is causing the base AppDomain to load..
Should i use ThreadPools or Task Parallel Library for IO-bound operations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5213695/should-i-use-threadpools-or-task-parallel-library-for-io-bound-operations number of available CPU cores at the very beginning. I do fear of TPL producing similar results to sequential approach for..