c# Programming Glossary: csc.exe
Capturing an c# executable output from another C# program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10380330/capturing-an-c-sharp-executable-output-from-another-c-sharp-program Process compiler new Process compiler.StartInfo.FileName csc.exe compiler.StartInfo.Arguments r System.dll out sample.exe stdstr.cs..
Using Side-by-Side assemblies to load the x64 or x32 version of a DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/108971/using-side-by-side-assemblies-to-load-the-x64-or-x32-version-of-a-dll the binaries over just like your deployment . Note 1 csc.exe is a C sharp compiler. This tutorial assumes it is in your path.. my tests were using C WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5 csc.exe Note 2 I recommend you create a temporary folder for the tests..
Where does System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write output appear? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159755/where-does-system-diagnostics-debug-write-output-appear
Capturing console output from a .NET application (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/186822/capturing-console-output-from-a-net-application-c Process compiler new Process compiler.StartInfo.FileName csc.exe compiler.StartInfo.Arguments r System.dll out sample.exe stdstr.cs..
Slow Performance — ASP .NET ASPNET_WP.EXE and CSC.EXE Running After Clicking Redirect Link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382741/slow-performance-asp-net-aspnet-wp-exe-and-csc-exe-running-after-clicking-re and clicked on the link. I notice aspnet_wp.exe and csc.exe run during this 30 second time frame. I'm wondering if there..
Reference DLLs not loading in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2997502/reference-dlls-not-loading-in-visual-studio-2010 why this could be happening Edit I've notice that in the csc.exe arguments that VS outputs it does not have any reference entries..
Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3407318/mono-compiler-as-a-service-mcs This is because the dll was compiled using Mono.exe not csc.exe I believe. I've tried downloading the Mono.CSharp dll directly..
c# getting interface method comments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5859097/c-sharp-getting-interface-method-comments reflection share improve this question The C# compiler csc.exe has a doc option that outputs an external XML file having your..
CLR vs JIT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/601974/clr-vs-jit called IL produced by the original language's compiler csc.exe for Microsoft c# for example into machine code native to the..
overhead to unused “using” declarations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/641234/overhead-to-unused-using-declarations add assembly references or make use of the 'using' keyword csc.exe will ignore any assembly which you have not actually made use..
How to get csc.exe path? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6660512/how-to-get-csc-exe-path to get csc.exe path Is there a way to get path for the latest .NET Framework's.. Is there a way to get path for the latest .NET Framework's csc.exe The file usually in c Windows Microsoft.NET Framework vX.X.XXX..
Attributes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726029/attributes-in-c-sharp on the lookout for various attributes. The C# compiler csc.exe itself has been preprogrammed to discover the presence of various..
Generating an Xml Serialization assembly for a custom XmlSerializer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333689/generating-an-xml-serialization-assembly-for-a-custom-xmlserializer tries to generate a serialization assembly it calls csc.exe and the user is prompted asking whether to allow this process.. need all serialization deserialization to be done without csc.exe. One option I can think of is capturing that .cs that's generated..
Is it possible to install c# compiler w/o Visual Studio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/861384/is-it-possible-to-install-c-sharp-compiler-w-o-visual-studio this question Sure the framework includes a compiler csc.exe. Look at this article for a quick how to and this MSDN article..