c# Programming Glossary: ctl
Controling Volume Mixer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14306048/controling-volume-mixer out count for int i 0 i count i IAudioSessionControl ctl sessionEnumerator.GetSession i out ctl string dn ctl.GetDisplayName.. ctl sessionEnumerator.GetSession i out ctl string dn ctl.GetDisplayName out dn yield return dn Marshal.ReleaseComObject.. ctl sessionEnumerator.GetSession i out ctl string dn ctl.GetDisplayName out dn yield return dn Marshal.ReleaseComObject..
On postback, how can I check which control cause postback in Page_Init event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3175513/on-postback-how-can-i-check-which-control-cause-postback-in-page-init-event ReSharper restore TooWideLocalVariableScope foreach string ctl in page.Request.Form handle ImageButton they having an additional.. in their Id which identifies mouse x and y coordinates if ctl.EndsWith .x ctl.EndsWith .y controlId ctl.Substring 0 ctl.Length.. identifies mouse x and y coordinates if ctl.EndsWith .x ctl.EndsWith .y controlId ctl.Substring 0 ctl.Length 2 foundControl..
How can I disable a tab inside a TabControl? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/418006/how-can-i-disable-a-tab-inside-a-tabcontrol void EnableTab TabPage page bool enable foreach Control ctl in page.ctls ctl.Enabled enable share improve this answer..
Mirroring console output to a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420429/mirroring-console-output-to-a-file TraceOptions.DateTime ConsoleTraceListener ctl new ConsoleTraceListener false ctl.TraceOutputOptions TraceOptions.DateTime.. ConsoleTraceListener ctl new ConsoleTraceListener false ctl.TraceOutputOptions TraceOptions.DateTime Trace.Listeners.Add.. Trace.Listeners.Add twtl Trace.Listeners.Add ctl Trace.AutoFlush true Trace.WriteLine The first line to be in..
Custom Class for dealing with embedding in Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/543087/custom-class-for-dealing-with-embedding-in-forms static void ShowXFormInControl Form frm ref XtraTabPage ctl FormBorderStyle style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox false.. style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox false frm.Parent ctl frm.FormBorderStyle style frm.Left 0 frm.Top 0 frm.Width ctl.Width.. frm.FormBorderStyle style frm.Left 0 frm.Top 0 frm.Width ctl.Width 4 frm.Dock DockStyle.Fill frm.Show IMPORTANT .Show fires..
Smoothing a hand-drawn curve http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525665/smoothing-a-hand-drawn-curve variable Point bezCurve new Point 4 RETURN bezier curve ctl pts nPts last first 1 Compute the A's for i 0 i nPts i Vector.. last control points of the Bezier curve are positioned exactly at the first and last data points Control points 1 and 2 are..
How can I add moving effects to my controls in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6102241/how-can-i-add-moving-effects-to-my-controls-in-c Roll Slide Center Blend public static void Animate Control ctl Effect effect int msec int angle int flags effmap int effect.. effect int msec int angle int flags effmap int effect if ctl.Visible flags 0x10000 angle 180 else if ctl.TopLevelControl.. int effect if ctl.Visible flags 0x10000 angle 180 else if ctl.TopLevelControl ctl flags 0x20000 else if effect Effect.Blend..
Open dropdown(in a datagrid view) items on a single click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6342334/open-dropdownin-a-datagrid-view-items-on-a-single-click the grid and there for control of type ComboBox ComboBox ctl e.Control as ComboBox ctl.Enter new EventHandler ctl_Enter ctl.Enter.. of type ComboBox ComboBox ctl e.Control as ComboBox ctl.Enter new EventHandler ctl_Enter ctl.Enter new EventHandler.. ctl e.Control as ComboBox ctl.Enter new EventHandler ctl_Enter ctl.Enter new EventHandler ctl_Enter And in the Enter..
How do I change the culture of a WinForms application at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7556367/how-do-i-change-the-culture-of-a-winforms-application-at-runtime resources Control.ControlCollection ctls foreach Control ctl in ctls resources.ApplyResources ctl ctl.Name.. resources Control.ControlCollection ctls foreach Control ctl in ctls resources.ApplyResources ctl ctl.Name applyResources.. Control.ControlCollection ctls foreach Control ctl in ctls resources.ApplyResources ctl ctl.Name applyResources resources..
Implement IDispatch::Invoke to be called by a WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7608550/implement-idispatchinvoke-to-be-called-by-a-webbrowser-control value return _downloadControlFlags value IOleControl ctl IOleControl ActiveXInstance ctl.OnAmbientPropertyChange DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL.. value IOleControl ctl IOleControl ActiveXInstance ctl.OnAmbientPropertyChange DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL protected..