c# Programming Glossary: cryptographic
Java equivalent of C#'s Rfc2898DerivedBytes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012363/java-equivalent-of-cs-rfc2898derivedbytes Given the availability of HMacSHA1 in the standard SUN JCE cryptographic provider such an implementation is quite simple and can be derived..
CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11762/cryptographicexception-padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed expected. A padding scheme is usually applied because most cryptographic filters are not semantically secure and to prevent some forms..
How can I generate truly (not pseudo) random numbers with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234094/how-can-i-generate-truly-not-pseudo-random-numbers-with-c but the quality of randomness is much higher suitable for cryptographic purposes as the name might suggest. There are other crypographic..
How do I generate a hashcode from a byte array in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16340/how-do-i-generate-a-hashcode-from-a-byte-array-in-c-sharp to efficiently generate a hashcode for it. I've used the cryptographic hash functions for this in the past because they are easy to.. but they are doing a lot more work than they should to be cryptographically oneway and I don't care about that I'm just using the hashcode..
Hash and salt passwords in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2138429/hash-and-salt-passwords-in-c-sharp code private static string CreateSalt int size Generate a cryptographic random number. RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng new RNGCryptoServiceProvider..
Why do I need to use the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class (in .NET) instead of directly using the password as a key or IV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2659214/why-do-i-need-to-use-the-rfc2898derivebytes-class-in-net-instead-of-directly keys in different contexts is one of the most common ways cryptographic systems are broken. The multiple iterations 1000 by default..
PBKDF2 in Bouncy Castle C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3210795/pbkdf2-in-bouncy-castle-c-sharp would now contain the derived key. Use it for whatever cryptographic purpose now The following code is ONLY to show the derived..
Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3505453/rewrite-rijndael-256-c-sharp-encryption-code-in-php data. MemoryStream memoryStream new MemoryStream Define cryptographic stream always use Write mode for encryption . CryptoStream cryptoStream..
Pros and cons of RNGCryptoServiceProvider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/418817/pros-and-cons-of-rngcryptoserviceprovider so far Pros RNGCryptoServiceProvider is a stronger cryptographically random number meaning it would be better for determining.. when used in simulations or long calculations where cryptographic randomness isn't important this should be used. c# .net random.. be used. c# .net random share improve this question A cryptographically strong RNG will be slower it takes more computation and..
How do I create a HashCode in .net (c#) for a string that is safe to store in a database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5154970/how-do-i-create-a-hashcode-in-net-c-for-a-string-that-is-safe-to-store-in-a is how the hash is computed that's valid. It's in no way cryptographically secure or anything like that but you can persist it with.. hash that's fine. EDIT Other answers have suggested using cryptographic hashes such as SHA 1 or MD5. I would say that until we know.. I would say that until we know there's a requirement for cryptographic security rather than just stability there's no point in going..
AES Encryption in Java and Decryption in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5295110/aes-encryption-in-java-and-decryption-in-c-sharp you to use byte arrays instead of Strings for defining a cryptographic key. Update Another difference is that you are setting an initialization..
C#, int or Int32? Should I care? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/62503/c-int-or-int32-should-i-care I just need 'an integer' Int32 where the size is important cryptographic code structures so future maintainers will know it's safe to..
Which cryptographic hash function should I choose? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/800685/which-cryptographic-hash-function-should-i-choose cryptographic hash function should I choose The .NET framework ships with.. source Console.ReadKey c# .net hash cryptography cryptographichashfunction share improve this question In cryptography.. SHA families and so has not been scrutinized as closely by cryptographic researchers. For that reason alone I would recommend the use..
What is the difference between INT, INT16, INT32 and INT64? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9696660/what-is-the-difference-between-int-int16-int32-and-int64 I just need 'an integer' Int32 where the size is important cryptographic code structures so future maintainers will know it's safe to..
HTTPS from a console application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10274207/https-from-a-console-application ic CA.cer iv CA.pvk sp Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider sy 12 sv server.pvk server.cer #key pvk2pfx.exe pvk..
How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307204/how-to-generate-unique-public-and-private-key-via-rsa cspParams.ProviderName Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider rsa new RSACryptoServiceProvider cspParams string publicPrivateKeyXML.. cspParams.ProviderName Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider rsa new RSACryptoServiceProvider cspParams public static..
“An internal error occurred.” when loading pfx file with X509Certificate2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1345262/an-internal-error-occurred-when-loading-pfx-file-with-x509certificate2 server and I got an error System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException An internal error occurred. stack trace ends with System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException... stack trace ends with System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException. ThrowCryptogaphicException Int32 hr 33 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Utils... object the private keys are still stored in the Microsoft Cryptographic API Cryptographic Service Provider key database. On the hosting..
Using a previously generated RSA public/private key with the .net framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528928/using-a-previously-generated-rsa-public-private-key-with-the-net-framework cspParams.ProviderName Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider rsa new RSACryptoServiceProvider cspParams ..... rsa.encrypt..
WCF, HTTPS vs HTTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3140526/wcf-https-vs-http my sr localMachine sky exchange sp Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider sy 12 adding url to listening httpcfg set urlacl u..
Rijndael 256 Encrypt/decrypt between c# and php? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3431950/rijndael-256-encrypt-decrypt-between-c-sharp-and-php encrypted Convert.ToBase64String encoded ms.Close catch CryptographicException e Console.WriteLine A Cryptographic error occurred.. catch CryptographicException e Console.WriteLine A Cryptographic error occurred 0 e.Message return null catch UnauthorizedAccessException..
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8583112/padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed cypher. It encrypts data in 128 bit 16 character blocks. Cryptographic padding is used to make sure that last block of the message..
Why are RijndaelManaged and AesCryptoServiceProvider returning different results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/957388/why-are-rijndaelmanaged-and-aescryptoserviceprovider-returning-different-results something. Update Turns out that AesManaged will throw a CryptographicException The specified cipher mode is not valid for this algorithm.. under NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Cryptographic Module Validation Program CMVP . However AesCryptoServiceProvider.. size especially when the mode is set as CFB or OFB the CryptographicException will be thrown. For more information please refer to..