c# Programming Glossary: ctor
combining two lamba expressions in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1717444/combining-two-lamba-expressions-in-c-sharp null return ne.Members null Expression.New ne.Constructor CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments Expression.New ne.Constructor.. CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments Expression.New ne.Constructor CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments ne.Members case ExpressionType.ListInit.. lie ListInitExpression expression NewExpression ctor NewExpression Walk lie.NewExpression var inits lie.Initializers.Select..
How does WCF deserialization instantiate objects without calling a constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178645/how-does-wcf-deserialization-instantiate-objects-without-calling-a-constructor instantiate objects without calling a constructor There is some magic going on with WCF deserialization. How.. of the data contract type without calling its constructor For example consider this data contract DataContract public.. private readonly int _age private readonly bool _wasConstructorCalled public CreateMe _wasConstructorCalled true ... other members..
Are these objects's references on the Stack or on the Heap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2559271/are-these-objectss-references-on-the-stack-or-on-the-heap which will be used for the this pointer to the call to the ctor. mov ecx dword ptr ebp 48h Now we call the ctor. call FFE8A518.. to the ctor. mov ecx dword ptr ebp 48h Now we call the ctor. call FFE8A518 Now we copy the reference stored in the temporary..
C# member variable initialization; best practice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298183/c-sharp-member-variable-initialization-best-practice List Thing private int _arb 99 or in the default constructor private List Thing _things private int _arb public TheClass.. performance trade offs one way or the other c# constructor declarations share improve this question In terms of performance.. difference field initializers are implemented as constructor logic. The only difference is that field initializers happen..
Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/333829/why-cant-i-define-a-default-constructor-for-a-struct-in-net can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET In .NET a value type C# struct can't have.. .NET In .NET a value type C# struct can't have a constructor with no parameters. According to this post this is mandated.. What happes is that for every value type a default constructor is created by the compiler which initialized all members to..
Why can't the C# constructor infer type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3570167/why-cant-the-c-sharp-constructor-infer-type can't the C# constructor infer type Why is type inference not supported for constructors.. infer type Why is type inference not supported for constructors the way it is for generic methods public class MyType T private.. a MyType int Though you could get around this with a factory class public class MyTypeFactory public static MyType T Create..
Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3661025/why-are-c-sharp-3-0-object-initializer-constructor-parentheses-optional are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional It seems that the C# 3.0 object initializer.. exclude the open close pair of parentheses in the constructor when there is a parameterless constructor existing. Example.. in the constructor when there is a parameterless constructor existing. Example var x new XTypeName PropA value PropB value..
What is the difference between const and readonly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55984/what-is-the-difference-between-const-and-readonly be computed dynamically but need to be assigned before the ctor exits.. after that it is frozen. 'const's are implicitly static...
ReSharper - Possible Null Assignment when using Microsoft.Contracts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/929859/resharper-possible-null-assignment-when-using-microsoft-contracts do it for a function in Microsoft.Contracts Create a directory called Microsoft.Contracts under the ExternalAnnotations ReSharper.. under the ExternalAnnotations ReSharper directory. Next Create a file called Microsoft.Contracts.xml and populate.. System.Boolean attribute ctor M JetBrains.Annotations.AssertionMethodAttribute.#ctor parameter..
Hows to quick check if data transfer two objects have equal properties in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/986572/hows-to-quick-check-if-data-transfer-two-objects-have-equal-properties-in-c using Expression.Compile for performance note the static ctor here ensures we only compile it once per T using System using..