

c# Programming Glossary: configurationmanager.refreshsection

ConfigurationManager doesn't save settings


ConfigurationManager.Save ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection appSettings EDIT To be able to save you have to use a configuration.. apply changes config.Save ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection appSettings More references here ConfigurationManager Class..

Is switching app.config at runtime possible?


out I can swap the .config file for the new one and do a ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection ... for each section. It will update from the new .config file...

Change connection string & reload app.config at run time


ConString config.Save ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified true ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection config.ConnectionStrings. SectionInformation.SectionName c#..

Update app.config system.net setting at runtime


relaod the section you modified ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection config.AppSettings.SectionInformation.Name P.S the code will..