c# Programming Glossary: com
How does the C# compiler detect COM types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1093536/how-does-the-c-sharp-compiler-detect-com-types does the C# compiler detect COM types EDIT I've written the results up as a blog post . The.. the results up as a blog post . The C# compiler treats COM types somewhat magically. For instance this statement looks.. The other attributes added by the compiler for linked COM PIAs CompilerGenerated and TypeIdentifier don't seem to do the..
How to properly clean up Excel interop objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158706/how-to-properly-clean-up-excel-interop-objects not quit because your app is still holding references to COM objects. I guess you're invoking at least one member of a COM.. objects. I guess you're invoking at least one member of a COM object without assigning it to a variable. For me it was the.. that internally C# created a wrapper for the Worksheets COM object which didn't get released by my code because I wasn't..
What is a message pump? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222365/what-is-a-message-pump . The relevance of a message loop to Office is related to COM. Office programs are COM enabled programs that's how the Microsoft.Office.Interop.. loop to Office is related to COM. Office programs are COM enabled programs that's how the Microsoft.Office.Interop classes.. that's how the Microsoft.Office.Interop classes work. COM takes care of threading on behalf of a COM coclass it ensures..
What are the correct version numbers for C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247621/what-are-the-correct-version-numbers-for-c dynamic delegate and interface generic variance more COM support named arguments and optional parameters C# 5.0 released..
How can I stream webcam video with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/342774/how-can-i-stream-webcam-video-with-c the DirectShow.Net library it wraps all of the DirectShow COM APIs and includes many useful shortcut functions for you. In..
Is there a string math evaluator in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355062/is-there-a-string-math-evaluator-in-net could add a reference to Microsoft Script Control Library COM and use code like this to evaluate an expression. Also works.. result.ToString Edit The ScriptControl is a COM object. In the Add reference dialog of the project select the.. In the Add reference dialog of the project select the COM tab and scroll down to Microsoft Script Control 1.0 and select..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp MyFunc 3 ComVisible true Script engines are COM components. public class MyItem public int Num get set Will..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface I suggest you read Chapter One of Don Box's Essential COM Direct link Chapter 1 sample by Pearson Publishing magnet 84bf0b960936d677190a2be355858e80ef7542c0.. explains the problems of using binary objects and invents COM before your eyes. Once you realize the why of COM the remaining.. invents COM before your eyes. Once you realize the why of COM the remaining 300 pages are obvious and just detail Microsoft's..
Excel interop: _Worksheet or Worksheet? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051464/excel-interop-worksheet-or-worksheet So should I use _Worksheet or Worksheet and why c# excel com interop ms office share improve this question If I recall.. are delegates plain and simple. But in COM it is very common to organize a whole bunch of event callbacks into interfaces... You therefore have two interfaces on a given object the incoming interface the methods you expect other people to call on..
How does the C# compiler detect COM types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1093536/how-does-the-c-sharp-compiler-detect-com-types does the C# compiler detect COM types EDIT I've written the results up as a.. EDIT I've written the results up as a blog post . The C# compiler treats COM types somewhat magically. For instance this.. 4 you can use non ref arguments for ref parameters and the compiler just adds a local variable to pass by reference discarding..
How to properly clean up Excel interop objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158706/how-to-properly-clean-up-excel-interop-objects objects are properly disposed of. c# excel interop com interop share improve this question Excel does not quit because.. for the usage of COM objects in C# Never use 2 dots with com objects. So with this knowledge the right way of doing the above..
Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2508828/where-to-learn-about-vs-debugger-magic-names ever used Reflector you probably noticed that the C# compiler generates types methods fields and local variables that.. is to make PostSharp 2.0 use the same conventions. c# compiler debugging share improve this question These are undocumented.. These are undocumented implementation details of the compiler and subject to change at any time. However since I'm a..
When is it better to write “ad hoc sql” vs stored procedures [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2734007/when-is-it-better-to-write-ad-hoc-sql-vs-stored-procedures ad hoc sql through out my application. A buddy of mine recommended that I convert to stored procedures for the extra performance.. count on this for performance. If you do have a super complex query that won't be auto parameterized like SELECT ID DESC.. SqlConnection conn new SqlConnection connStr SqlCommand com new SqlCommand conn com.CommandType CommandType.Text com.CommandText..
How to handle AccessViolationException http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3469368/how-to-handle-accessviolationexception GC.Collect GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers c# .net exception com modi share improve this question In .NET 4.0 the runtime.. about CSE's in the .NET 4.0 Framework http msdn.microsoft.com en us magazine dd419661.aspx#id0070035 But there is hope. There.. there is hope. There are a few ways to get around this Recompile as a .NET 3.5 assembly and run it in .NET 4.0. Add a line..
Fastest way to interface between live (unsaved) Excel data and C# objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3840270/fastest-way-to-interface-between-live-unsaved-excel-data-and-c-sharp-objects get an idea of the speed. I don't mind if the solution recommends using third party products or uses C . The obvious solution.. if the performance has improved. http www.experts exchange.com Microsoft Development VSTO Q_23635459.html Thanks. c# excel.. VSTO Q_23635459.html Thanks. c# excel automation vsto com interop share improve this question If the C# application..
Error 80040154 (Class not registered exception) when initializing VCProjectEngineObject (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4021796/error-80040154-class-not-registered-exception-when-initializing-vcprojectengin following exception Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID D19A00C4 A7F9 4E14 A5E1 D060B7EB57F3 failed.. was not found. Any idea Thanks in advance. c# exception com dllregistration share improve this question There are not..
How can I get a list of users from active directory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5162897/how-can-i-get-a-list-of-users-from-active-directory I have never done anything with active directory so I am completely lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated c# asp.net.. is like this CN SomeName CN SomeDirectory DC yourdomain DC com . Like a tranditional relational database you can run query.. context new PrincipalContext ContextType.Domain yourdomain.com using var searcher new PrincipalSearcher new UserPrincipal context..
Requested registry access is not allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562350/requested-registry-access-is-not-allowed assembly manifestVersion 1.0 xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 xmlns asmv1 urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 xmlns asmv2.. microsoft com asm.v1 xmlns asmv1 urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 xmlns asmv2 urn schemas microsoft com asm.v2 xmlns xsi.. microsoft com asm.v1 xmlns asmv2 urn schemas microsoft com asm.v2 xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance assemblyIdentity..
64 bit C# with a 32 bit VB6 COM object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/611651/64-bit-c-sharp-with-a-32-bit-vb6-com-object STA VB6 dll. I sadly cannot do anything about this. My C# component greatly benefits from being 64 bit. Is there anyway to.. from my 64 bit process Any sort of wrapper or anything c# com vb6 interop share improve this question There's no direct..
how can i get text formatting with iTextSharp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6882098/how-can-i-get-text-formatting-with-itextsharp heading off to dinner now. END EDIT The code below combines several questions and answers here including this one to.. it has to do with when you embed font subsets. Below is a complete WinForms application that targets iTextSharp and.. lastFont private float lastFontSize http api.itextpdf.com itext com itextpdf text pdf parser TextRenderInfo.html private..
asp.net web service using office 2010 COM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7382704/asp-net-web-service-using-office-2010-com like to change the .docx or .doc to .xps. I'm using office com to help me to save as .xps format as following WebMethod public.. on what you need you can use some library free or commercial for this OpenXML 2.0 from MS Aspose.Words commercial.. or commercial for this OpenXML 2.0 from MS Aspose.Words commercial VeryDoc.DOCX2XPS commercial share improve this answer..
Implement IDispatch::Invoke to be called by a WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7608550/implement-idispatchinvoke-to-be-called-by-a-webbrowser-control far is inherit .NET's WebBrowser make my inherited class com visible by using the ComVisible true attribute add this method.. IDispatch call using a dispid see http msdn.microsoft.com en us library de3dhzwy.aspx const string dispidToken DISPID..
namespace naming conventions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/918894/namespace-naming-conventions conventions For those of you out there writing reusable components what do you consider to be best practice if you're extending.. contains types that enable developers to use sockets to communicate over networks. The general format for a namespace name.. and should be one of the top level domain names currently com edu gov mil net org or one of the English two letter codes identifying..
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID Error: 8000401a http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10139834/retrieving-the-com-class-factory-for-component-with-clsid-error-8000401a improve this question My idea would be to get rid of Com all together if I can find a better solution I would use it..
VSTO Add-ins, COMAddIns and RequestComAddInAutomationService http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10875278/vsto-add-ins-comaddins-and-requestcomaddinautomationservice Add ins COMAddIns and RequestComAddInAutomationService Please see 1st Edit the screenshot at.. Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type ... This operation failed because the.. addinUtilities protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService if addinUtilities null addinUtilities..
Is it possible to intercept (or be aware of) COM Reference counting on CLR objects exposed to COM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2223147/is-it-possible-to-intercept-or-be-aware-of-com-reference-counting-on-clr-objec another attempt at it. You can actually use Windows Script Components to wrap your .NET COM objects and get finalization that.. will need to be saved as something like CalculatorLib.wsc. ComClass Calculator.ClassId Calculator.InterfaceId Calculator.EventsId.. Sub #End Region End Class Next I create A Windows Script Component called Calculator.Lib which has a single method which..
calling C# from c++ com add-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530244/calling-c-sharp-from-c-com-add-in this stuff from your experience Also i have a method in my Com add in that i would like my C# library code to call i.e. a method..
Using pHash from .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6254447/using-phash-from-net to import using DllImport as shown below. DllImport @ . Com pHash.dll public static extern int ph_dct_imagehash MarshalAs.. to find an entry point named 'ph_dct_imagehash' in DLL '. Com pHash.dll'. What does entry point means and why am I getting.. public partial class MainWindow Window DllImport @ . Com pHash.dll public static extern int ph_dct_imagehash MarshalAs..
Embed excel sheet in C# user control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757023/embed-excel-sheet-in-c-sharp-user-control to the Microsoft Excel Object Library you can get to the Com interface. Add these using statements using Microsoft.Office.Interop..
Calling C# BHO methods from Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9287961/calling-c-sharp-bho-methods-from-javascript the page. I found numerous pages on how to do it in C ATL Com such as Browser Helper Objects and Scripts Options Calling BHO.. SHDocVw using mshtml using System.Runtime.InteropServices ComVisible true Guid 300736C4 DCDA 4DB0 90AD 4510A12EBBC6 ClassInterface.. 0x0400 WebBrowser browser ... public void OnDocumentComplete dynamic frame ref dynamic url ... var window browser.Document.parentWindow..
Outlook 2010 Com addin - NewExplorer never fires http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9537330/outlook-2010-com-addin-newexplorer-never-fires 2010 Com addin NewExplorer never fires For some reason in my app my.. _Outlook.Application Application public void OnStartupComplete ref Array custom _Outlook.Explorer Explorer this.Application.ActiveExplorer.. around a class level member Explorer Application Inspector CommandBar etc. to keep the GC Thread from removing them. This is..