c# Programming Glossary: command.executenonquery
Do I have to Close() a SQLConnection before it gets disposed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1195829/do-i-have-to-close-a-sqlconnection-before-it-gets-disposed System.Data.CommandType.Text connection.Open command.ExecuteNonQuery Is this call necessary connection.Close c# asp.net using sqlconnection..
How to execute a stored procedure within C# program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1260952/how-to-execute-a-stored-procedure-within-c-sharp-program
The C# using statement, SQL, and SqlConnection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3079098/the-c-sharp-using-statement-sql-and-sqlconnection SqlCommand queryString connection command.Connection.Open command.ExecuteNonQuery What if there ™s a error while opening the connection The using.. SqlCommand queryString connection command.Connection.Open command.ExecuteNonQuery catch InvalidOperationException log and or rethrow or ignore..
How to pass XML from C# to a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3600091/how-to-pass-xml-from-c-sharp-to-a-stored-procedure-in-sql-server-2008 sqlCon.BeginTransaction command.Transaction trans try command.ExecuteNonQuery trans.Commit sqlCon.Close catch Exception trans.Rollback..
Using DateTime in a SqlParameter for Stored Procedure, format error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425870/using-datetime-in-a-sqlparameter-for-stored-procedure-format-error the value. parameter.Value DateTime.Now Make the call. command.ExecuteNonQuery I think part of the issue here is that you are worried that..
SQLite .NET performance, how to speed up things? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4356363/sqlite-net-performance-how-to-speed-up-things Ottieni il risultato e chiudi la connessione int retval command.ExecuteNonQuery connection.Close return retval As you can see insertions are.. .Value rank command.Parameters @Score .Value score return command.ExecuteNonQuery It only uses one connection one transaction and one command..
in a “using” block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4717789/in-a-using-block-is-a-sqlconnection-closed-on-return-or-exception @EmployeeID employeeID command.CommandTimeout 5 command.ExecuteNonQuery catch Exception Handle error Now say somewhere in the try we..
How to create a DBF file from scratch in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4932530/how-to-create-a-dbf-file-from-scratch-in-c ExecScript command.Parameters.Add script command.ExecuteNonQuery Edit The OP does not want a FoxPro DBF format but dBase IV format..
MySql and inserting last ID problem remains http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5542999/mysql-and-inserting-last-id-problem-remains using a non query call command.CommandText cmd.ToString command.ExecuteNonQuery now we want to make a second call to MYSQL to get the new index.. using a non query call command.CommandText SQL.ToString command.ExecuteNonQuery now we want to make a second call to MYSQL to get the new index..
The multi-part identifier “TextBox1.Text” could not be bound in C# ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5696987/the-multi-part-identifier-textbox1-text-could-not-be-bound-in-c-sharp-asp-net SqlCommand command new SqlCommand updateQuery updateConn command.ExecuteNonQuery c# asp.net sql server visual studio share improve this..
SQL Server and C#: get last inserted id http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6109634/sql-server-and-c-get-last-inserted-id @FBUID FBUID connection.Open command.ExecuteNonQuery Is this the right way to do it And how do i get LastID in to..
Import XML to SQL using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772946/import-xml-to-sql-using-c-sharp Log bad row continue this.FillCommand command values command.ExecuteNonQuery TODO Commit transaction private IDbCommand CreatCommand IDbConnection..
C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980421/c-pass-a-user-defined-type-to-a-oracle-stored-procedure ConvertParameters parameters.ToArray result command.ExecuteNonQuery command.Dispose conn.Close return result public static int.. ConvertParameters parameters result command.ExecuteNonQuery command.Dispose conn.Close return result public static OracleDataReader.. ConvertParameters parameters result command.ExecuteNonQuery outputParameters GetOutputParameters command.Parameters command.Dispose..