c# Programming Glossary: command.executescalar
Int32.TryParse() or (int?)command.ExecuteScalar() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1174930/int32-tryparse-or-intcommand-executescalar or int command.ExecuteScalar I have a SQL query which returns only one field an ID of type.. is faster and uses less memory int id if Int32.TryParse command.ExecuteScalar .ToString out id use id or int id int command.ExecuteScalar.. .ToString out id use id or int id int command.ExecuteScalar if id.HasValue use id.Value or int id command.ExecuteScalar..
Handling ExecuteScalar() when no results are returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1999020/handling-executescalar-when-no-results-are-returned username from usermst where userid 2 string getusername command.ExecuteScalar It is showing me this error message System.NullReferenceException.. connection command.CommandText sql object userNameObj command.ExecuteScalar if userNameObj null then string getUserName userNameObj.ToString..
in a “using” block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4717789/in-a-using-block-is-a-sqlconnection-closed-on-return-or-exception new SqlParameter @EmployeeID employeeID return byte command.ExecuteScalar Does the connection get closed Because technically we never..
MySql and inserting last ID problem remains http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5542999/mysql-and-inserting-last-id-problem-remains select last_insert_id id Convert.ToInt32 command.ExecuteScalar the name id doesnt not exist in the current context Commit.. select last_insert_id id Convert.ToInt32 command.ExecuteScalar Commit the transaction. transaction.Commit catch Exception..
SQL Server and C#: get last inserted id http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6109634/sql-server-and-c-get-last-inserted-id
C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980421/c-pass-a-user-defined-type-to-a-oracle-stored-procedure query conn command.CommandType CommandType.Text result command.ExecuteScalar command.Dispose conn.Close return result public static object.. ConvertParameters parameters result command.ExecuteScalar command.Dispose conn.Close return result public static int..