c# Programming Glossary: classes
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp to the screen Edit Json.NET works using the same JSON and classes as the example above. GoogleSearchResults g1 JsonConvert.DeserializeObject..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library as much as possible. As such there will probably be classes intended for consumers to use directly on a regular basis and.. consumers to use directly on a regular basis and support classes that are dependencies of those more common end user classes... that are dependencies of those more common end user classes. The question is what is the best way to design the library..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp to cover very many possible usage scenarios for static classes. In the past I've used static classes for stateless suites of.. scenarios for static classes. In the past I've used static classes for stateless suites of related functions but that's about it... share improve this question I wrote my thoughts of static classes in an earlier thread http stackoverflow.com questions 205689..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object dynamic type It would be nice to skip creating a bunch of classes in order to use the DataContractJsonSerializer. c# .net json..
How to Deserialize XML document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364253/how-to-deserialize-xml-document I also took a few liberties with the naming . Here are the classes Serializable public class Car System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElement..
Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/826398/is-it-possible-to-dynamically-compile-and-execute-c-sharp-code-fragments is for dynamically constructing bits of code or even whole classes. Here's a nice short example take from LukeH's blog which uses..
How to use HTML Agility pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846994/how-to-use-html-agility-pack is very useful in integrating with other stream oriented classes in the .NET framework. While HtmlEntity.DeEntitize is another.. thanks Matthew HtmlDocument and HtmlNode are the classes you'll use most. Similar to an XML parser it provides the selectSingleNode..
C# Finalize/Dispose pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/898828/c-sharp-finalize-dispose-pattern implement a finalizer as the GC deals with finalizable classes differently even if you later suppress the finalizer. Also note.. still calls SuppressFinalize to correctly deal with any subclasses that do implement a finalizer. When a class implements the IDisposable.. class. The actual resources are encapsulated within the classes you don't need to explicitly delete them. Simply calling Dispose..
Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1083032/why-would-i-ever-need-to-use-c-sharp-nested-classes Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes duplicate This question already has an answer here Why when..
What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327544/what-is-the-equivalent-of-javas-final-in-c in C# depending on the context in which it is used. Classes To prevent subclassing inheritance from the defined class Java..
Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150479/order-of-items-in-classes-fields-properties-constructors-methods Enums Interfaces Properties Indexers Methods Structs Classes Within each of these groups order by access SA1202 public internal..
Which is best for data store Struct/Classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1951186/which-is-best-for-data-store-struct-classes is best for data store Struct Classes We have seen lots of discussion in SO regarding the class vs..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp to Use Static Classes in C# Here's what MSDN has to say under When to Use Static.. C# Here's what MSDN has to say under When to Use Static Classes static class CompanyInfo public static string GetCompanyName..
c# Can I use reflection to inspect the code in a method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2693881/c-sharp-can-i-use-reflection-to-inspect-the-code-in-a-method the reflection api is designed to work on Metadata Type of Classes Name and Signature of Methods ... but not on the data level..
Default visibility for C# classes and members (fields, methods, etc)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3763612/default-visibility-for-c-sharp-classes-and-members-fields-methods-etc found here and here thanks Reed Copsey From the first link Classes and structs that are declared directly within a namespace in..
How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/452902/how-to-read-a-text-file-reversely-with-iterator-in-c-sharp IEnumerable string summary Buffer size to use by default. Classes with internal access can specify a different buffer size this..
Why C# implements methods as non-virtual by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/814934/why-c-sharp-implements-methods-as-non-virtual-by-default .net virtual functions share improve this question Classes should be designed for inheritance to be able to take advantage..
?œDo not use Abstract Base class in Design; but in Modeling/Analysis??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470013/do-not-use-abstract-base-class-in-design-but-in-modeling-analysis .net virtual functions share improve this question Classes should be designed for inheritance to be able to take advantage..