c# Programming Glossary: cleared
How to create a custom collection in .NET 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1192022/how-to-create-a-custom-collection-in-net-2-0 new InvalidOperationException The collection cannot be cleared while _____. base.ClearItems protected override void RemoveItem..
How to wait for a BackgroundWorker to cancel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/123661/how-to-wait-for-a-backgroundworker-to-cancel Sleep 100 But this is a deadlock since the IsBusy is not cleared until after the RunWorkerCompleted event is handled and that..
Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15660722/why-are-cdecl-calls-often-mismatched-in-the-standard-p-invoke-convention within the C Apparently this results in the stack being cleared twice but in both cases variables are pushed onto the stack.. errors albeit the possibility that return information is cleared in the event of attempting a trace during debugging From MSDN..
How can I tell that a directory is the recycle bin in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1585295/how-can-i-tell-that-a-directory-is-the-recycle-bin-in-c approximation in my case but actually that flag is cleared on the recycle folder. Crude solutions using hardcoded folder..
What is a message pump? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222365/what-is-a-message-pump I posed this question as an unregistered user and then cleared my cookies so that it couldn't figure out who I was now as a..
Display custom error page when file upload exceeds allowed size in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2759193/display-custom-error-page-when-file-upload-exceeds-allowed-size-in-asp-net-mvc error will only work if the HttpException is handled and cleared using Server.ClearError in Application_Error in global.asax.cs...
Putting IME in a custom text box, derived from Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3287180/putting-ime-in-a-custom-text-box-derived-from-control I have to make sure that my displayed comp in progress is cleared. If I receive WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION I set a compositing flag..
What is the best practice concerning C# short-circuit evaluation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361069/what-is-the-best-practice-concerning-c-sharp-short-circuit-evaluation weeks wo sees this code will think œhmm this code can be cleared up to use conditional operators thus inadvertedly breaking the..
C# WebClient disable cache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812089/c-sharp-webclient-disable-cache however if i reboot my computer the cache seems to be cleared but i can't be rebooting the computer every time. UPDATE in..
WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043683/wcf-httptransport-streamed-vs-buffered-transfermode be returned to the BufferManager which seems to never get cleared by WCF 2 and 3 are subject to GC which is async and if you are..
Capture username with log4net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813242/capture-username-with-log4net find it odd that MDC is set with an account name but never cleared if no user is active. That could be part of the problem. However..
How do you clear cookies using asp.net mvc 3 and c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5122404/how-do-you-clear-cookies-using-asp-net-mvc-3-and-c think I am doing this right but the cookies aren't being cleared. Session.Clear HttpCookie c Request.Cookies MyCookie if c null..
Is it possible to have a memory leak in managed code? (specifically C# 3.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6436620/is-it-possible-to-have-a-memory-leak-in-managed-code-specifically-c-sharp-3-0
Are C# uninitalized variables dangerous? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8931226/are-c-sharp-uninitalized-variables-dangerous In C and unmanaged C this makes sense as the stack isn't cleared and the memory location used for a pointer could be anywhere..