c# Programming Glossary: cimv2
How to programmatically discover mapped network drives on system and their server names? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1088752/how-to-programmatically-discover-mapped-network-drives-on-system-and-their-serve Main try var searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 SELECT FROM Win32_MappedLogicalDisk foreach ManagementObject..
C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11619986/c-plugin-for-unity-entrypointnotfoundexeption if _locator NULL FAILED hRes _locator ConnectServer L root CIMV2 NULL NULL NULL WBEM_FLAG_CONNECT_USE_MAX_WAIT NULL NULL _service.. NULL NULL _service ERRStream Unable to connect to CIMV2 std hex hRes endl return L const std wstring myWString ERRStream.str..
Using clause fails to call Dispose? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11896282/using-clause-fails-to-call-dispose 'notepad.exe' scope new ManagementScope @ . root CIMV2 watcher new ManagementEventWatcher scope query watcher.EventArrived..
How to determine the current input language? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12951067/how-to-determine-the-current-input-language searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 SELECT FROM Win32_BIOS foreach ManagementObject queryObj in..
how to get logged on users with their status on remote machine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14212155/how-to-get-logged-on-users-with-their-status-on-remote-machine ManagementScope scope new ManagementScope fqdn root CIMV2 options try scope.Connect catch Exception ex if ex.Message.StartsWith.. DOMAIN Scope new ManagementScope String.Format 0 root CIMV2 ComputerName Conn else Scope new ManagementScope String.Format.. Conn else Scope new ManagementScope String.Format 0 root CIMV2 ComputerName null Scope.Connect ObjectQuery Query new ObjectQuery..
c# printer properties WMI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14455964/c-sharp-printer-properties-wmi searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 SELECT FROM Win32_Printer WHERE Name LIKE ' 0 ' printerName..
Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2313553/process-start-with-different-credentials-with-uac-on #region WMI Constants private const String cstrScope root CIMV2 private const String cstrLoggenInUser SELECT FROM Win32_ComputerSystem..
How can I get the PID of the parent process of my application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2531837/how-can-i-get-the-pid-of-the-parent-process-of-my-application 0 myId var search new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 query var results search.Get .GetEnumerator if results.MoveNext..
How do I detect when a removable disk is inserted using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271238/how-do-i-detect-when-a-removable-disk-is-inserted-using-c q ManagementScope scope new ManagementScope root CIMV2 scope.Options.EnablePrivileges true try q new WqlEventQuery.. q ManagementScope scope new ManagementScope root CIMV2 scope.Options.EnablePrivileges true try q new WqlEventQuery..
WMI to reboot remote machine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2921905/wmi-to-reboot-remote-machine scope new ManagementScope computerName root CIMV2 options scope.Connect SelectQuery query new SelectQuery Win32_OperatingSystem..
List All Partitions On Disk http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6575727/list-all-partitions-on-disk use WMI. var searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 SELECT FROM Win32_DiskPartition foreach var queryObj in searcher.Get..
.NET Events for Process executable start http://stackoverflow.com/questions/848618/net-events-for-process-executable-start scope means use the current machine string scope @ . root CIMV2 Create a watcher and listen for events ManagementEventWatcher.. scope means use the current machine string scope @ . root CIMV2 Create a watcher and listen for events ManagementEventWatcher..
How to execute process on remote machine, in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2343677/how-to-execute-process-on-remote-machine-in-c-sharp ManagementClass theClass new ManagementClass @ server root cimv2 Win32_Process theClass.InvokeMethod Create theProcessToRun ..
Get User SID From Logon ID (Windows XP and Up) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2727393/get-user-sid-from-logon-id-windows-xp-and-up args ManagementScope scope new ManagementScope . root cimv2 string queryString select from win32_logonsession for all..
Getting MAC Address C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3157246/getting-mac-address-c-sharp theScope new ManagementScope Environment.MachineName root cimv2 ObjectQuery theQuery new ObjectQuery SELECT FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter..
How can I get an active UNC Path in DFS programatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3938669/how-can-i-get-an-active-unc-path-in-dfs-programatically sHostServer oManagementPath.NamespacePath @ root cimv2 oManagementScope new ManagementScope oManagementPath oManagementScope.Connect..
How to execute a command in a remote computer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428276/how-to-execute-a-command-in-a-remote-computer var wmiScope new ManagementScope String.Format 0 root cimv2 REMOTE_COMPUTER_NAME connection var wmiProcess new ManagementClass..
How to expand environment variables remotely with .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5031111/how-to-expand-environment-variables-remotely-with-net user with sufficient privileges to connect to the cimv2 namespace co.Username administrator his password co.Password.. scope new ManagementScope @ BOBSMachine root cimv2 co SelectQuery query new SelectQuery Select windowsdirectory.. try ManagementPath p new ManagementPath machine root cimv2 ManagementScope msc new ManagementScope p opt SelectQuery q..
User logged into remote machine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5067240/user-logged-into-remote-machine moScope new ManagementScope @ ComputerName @ root cimv2 try moScope.Connect catch return ObjectQuery query new ObjectQuery..