c# Programming Glossary: ciphertext
Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168240/encrypting-decrypting-a-string-in-c-sharp 0 plainTextBytes.Length cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock byte cipherTextBytes memoryStream.ToArray memoryStream.Close cryptoStream.Close.. cryptoStream.Close return Convert.ToBase64String cipherTextBytes public static string Decrypt string cipherText string.. cipherTextBytes public static string Decrypt string cipherText string passPhrase byte initVectorBytes Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes..
CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11762/cryptographicexception-padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed a given password public static string decryptString string cipherText string password SymmetricAlgorithm algorithm getAlgorithm password.. password byte cipherBytes Convert.FromBase64String cipherText MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream.. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog string cipherText encryptString startClearText password1 string endClearText decryptString..
Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/202011/encrypt-decrypt-string-in-net using an identical sharedSecret. summary param name cipherText The text to decrypt. param param name sharedSecret A password.. param public static string DecryptStringAES string cipherText string sharedSecret if string.IsNullOrEmpty cipherText throw.. cipherText string sharedSecret if string.IsNullOrEmpty cipherText throw new ArgumentNullException cipherText if string.IsNullOrEmpty..
Using AES encryption in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273452/using-aes-encryption-in-c-sharp encrypted static string DecryptStringFromBytes byte cipherText byte Key byte IV Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length.. byte cipherText byte Key byte IV Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException cipherText.. byte Key byte IV Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException cipherText if Key..
openssl using only .NET classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5452422/openssl-using-only-net-classes static string DecryptStringFromBytesAes byte cipherText byte key byte iv Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length.. byte cipherText byte key byte iv Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException cipherText.. byte key byte iv Check arguments. if cipherText null cipherText.Length 0 throw new ArgumentNullException cipherText if key..
How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307204/how-to-generate-unique-public-and-private-key-via-rsa 0 PublicKey .ToString read plaintext encrypt it to ciphertext byte plainbytes System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes data2Encrypt.. privatekey rsa.FromXmlString publicPrivateKeyXML read ciphertext decrypt it to plaintext byte plain rsa.Decrypt getpassword false..
Getting incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14937707/getting-incorrect-decryption-value-using-aescryptoserviceprovider if there is anyway an adversary could send chosen ciphertext to your decryption implementation there are a lot of side channel.. are a lot of side channel attacks related to modifying the ciphertext. However the problem your having does not have any thing to.. having does not have any thing to do with padding if your ciphertext doesn't matchup to your key and iv and you didn't authenticate..
How to encrypt a string in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1629828/how-to-encrypt-a-string-in-net plaintext string plainText String.Empty try Convert the ciphertext string into a byte array byte cipherBytes Convert.FromBase64String.. Convert.FromBase64String cipherText Decrypt the input ciphertext string cryptoStream.Write cipherBytes 0 cipherBytes.Length Complete..
Integer ID obfuscation techniques http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2565478/integer-id-obfuscation-techniques null throw new ArgumentNullException plaintext byte ciphertext new byte plaintext.Length int c 0 for int i 0 i plaintext.Length.. 0 i plaintext.Length i c _encryptionTable plaintext i ^ c ciphertext i byte c return ciphertext You can then use the BitConverter.. plaintext i ^ c ciphertext i byte c return ciphertext You can then use the BitConverter to go between values and byte..
How can I encrypt with AES in C# so I can decrypt it in PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4192658/how-can-i-encrypt-with-aes-in-c-sharp-so-i-can-decrypt-it-in-php mode of encryption to use Storage format how we store the ciphertext Please see here for a lot of information about these things...