

c# Programming Glossary: bindingflags.static

C# Reflection: How to get class reference from string?


Type t Type.GetType Foo MethodInfo method t.GetMethod Bar BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public method.Invoke null null class Foo public..

Can we define implicit conversions of enums in c#?


.Assembly var fields typeof TDerived .GetFields BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.Public .Where t t.FieldType..

Is it possible to “steal” an event handler from one control and give it to another?


typeof Control .GetField EventClick BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Static object secret eventClick.GetValue null Retrieve the click event..

Reflection to Identify Extension Methods


type.IsNested from method in type.GetMethods BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.NonPublic where method.IsDefined..

Comparing 2 objects and retrieve a list of fields with different values


op_Equality BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.Static null pp null if eq null if isValueType il.Emit OpCodes.Ldarga_S..

Select Right Generic Method with Reflection


didn't work. var method typeof Queryable .GetMethod Where BindingFlags.Static null new Type typeof IQueryable T typeof Expression Func T bool..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


return GetMethodExt thisType name BindingFlags.Instance BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy..

Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC


.GetMethod Deserialize BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Static internal static method to do the work for us Deserialize this..

Static Fields in AppDomain


class1InAppDomain1.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null.. null class1InAppDomain1.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null.. null class1InAppDomain1.InvokeMember IncrementAndPrint BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null null null..

Any faster way of copying arrays in C#?


typeof MemCpyImpl typeof Buffer .GetMethod memcpyimpl BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.NonPublic const int COUNT 32 SIZE 32 20 Use different..

LINQ Expression to return Property value?


tmp in typeof Enumerable .GetMethods BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.Static if tmp.Name Contains tmp.IsGenericMethodDefinition tmp.GetParameters..

Change default app.config at runtime


.GetField s_initState BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Static .SetValue null 0 typeof ConfigurationManager .GetField s_configSystem.. .GetField s_configSystem BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Static .SetValue null null typeof ConfigurationManager .Assembly.GetTypes.. .First .GetField s_current BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Static .SetValue null null Usage is like this the default app.config..

How to use switch-case on a Type? [duplicate]


properties sourceType.GetProperties BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.Static foreach var property in properties var type property.GetType..

How to remove all event handlers from a control


b FieldInfo f1 typeof Control .GetField EventClick BindingFlags.Static BindingFlags.NonPublic object obj f1.GetValue b PropertyInfo..