c# Programming Glossary: bitmapcache
How to Change Pivot Header Template in Windows Phone 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17902064/how-to-change-pivot-header-template-in-windows-phone-8 RowDefinition Height Grid.RowDefinitions Grid CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.RowSpan 2 Grid.Background ImageBrush ImageSource Assets.. Grid Grid Background TemplateBinding Background CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.Row 2 ContentPresenter ContentTemplate TemplateBinding.. Grid.RowDefinitions Grid Background #ff9000 CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.RowSpan 2 Grid Background TemplateBinding Background CacheMode..
How to zoom in and zoom out Images in WP7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4678268/how-to-zoom-in-and-zoom-out-images-in-wp7 someSourceUrl RenderTransformOrigin 0.5 0.5 CacheMode BitmapCache Image.RenderTransform CompositeTransform x Name transform Image.RenderTransform..
BitmapCache? When and how to use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716473/bitmapcache-when-and-how-to-use When and how to use I have a question about bitmap caching.. in Silverlight 3. From the link This link is dead. BitmapCache is the only cache mode that is supported. The Caching is applied.. EnableCacheVisualization can be enabled for WP7 I'm using BitmapCache for a LongListPicker and a ContentPresenter that I populate..