

c# Programming Glossary: bitmapdata

How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap


this question The fastest way is by using unsafe code BitmapData srcData bm.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bm.Width bm.Height ImageLockMode.ReadOnly..

Convert Kinect ColorFrame to Bitmap


Bitmap Image.Width Image.Height PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb BitmapData bmapdata bmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 Image.Width Image.Height..

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application


this.dpiY source.VerticalResolution BitmapData bitmapData source.LockBits new Rectangle new Point 0 0 source.Size.. this.pixelFormat bitmap.SetResolution this.dpiX this.dpiY BitmapData bitmapData bitmap.LockBits new Rectangle new Point 0 0 bitmap.Size..

Fast work with Bitmaps in C#


this has several overloads including a path to an image BitmapData bData b.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 _image.Width _image.Height.. Image ThresholdMA float thresh Bitmap b new Bitmap _image BitmapData bData b.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 _image.Width _image.Height..

any can explain the function of stride in bitmapdata?


bmp width height Bitmap bmpresult new Bitmap width height BitmapData data1 bit1.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bit1.Width bit1.Height.. ImageLockMode.ReadWrite PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb BitmapData data2 bit2.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bit2.Width bit2.Height.. ImageLockMode.ReadWrite PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb BitmapData data3 bmpresult.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bmpresult.Width bmpresult.Height..

Is there a good way to convert between BitmapSource and Bitmap?


source.PixelHeight PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb BitmapData data bmp.LockBits new Rectangle Point.Empty bmp.Size ImageLockMode.WriteOnly..

Adjust the contrast of an image in C# efficiently


of magnitude by using Bitmap.LockBits which returns a BitmapData object that allows access to the Bitmap's pixel data via pointers... 100.0f Value Value Bitmap NewBitmap Bitmap Image.Clone BitmapData data NewBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 NewBitmap.Width NewBitmap.Height.. own SetPixel and GetPixel methods that use an existing BitmapData object but the processing time for the math inside the functions..

LockBits image rotation method not working?


Bitmap rotatedBitmap PointF centerPoint float theta BitmapData originalData originalBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 originalBitmap.Width.. ImageLockMode.ReadOnly originalBitmap.PixelFormat BitmapData rotatedData rotatedBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 rotatedBitmap.Width..

Getting RGB array from image in C#


you can call the LockBits method and this will return a BitmapData structure that contains the address of the first scanline. You.. h image.Height throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException h BitmapData data image.LockBits new Rectangle startX startY w h System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly..

Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data


ncp var BoundsRect new Rectangle 0 0 Width Height BitmapData bmpData b.LockBits BoundsRect ImageLockMode.WriteOnly b.PixelFormat..

cropping an area from BitmapData with C#


an area from BitmapData with C# I have a bitmap sourceImage.bmp locking it's bits BitmapData.. with C# I have a bitmap sourceImage.bmp locking it's bits BitmapData dataOriginal sourceImage.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 sourceImage.Width.. Rectangle rect new Rectangle 0 0 bmp.Width bmp.Height BitmapData rawOriginal bmp.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bmp.Width bmp.Height..