

c# Programming Glossary: bindingflags.getproperty

How to record window position in WinForms application settings


Accessing Excel Custom Document Properties programatically


CustomDocumentProperties BindingFlags.Default BindingFlags.GetProperty null workBk null object property properties.GetType .InvokeMember.. properties.GetType .InvokeMember Item BindingFlags.Default BindingFlags.GetProperty null properties new object propertyIndex object propertyValue.. property.GetType .InvokeMember Value BindingFlags.Default BindingFlags.GetProperty null propertyWrapper.Object null EDIT ah now I remember why..

How do I invoke an extension method using reflection?


prop object val return t t.GetType .InvokeMember prop BindingFlags.GetProperty null t null val c# linq reflection delegates lambda share.. prop object val return t t.GetType .InvokeMember prop BindingFlags.GetProperty null t null val static void Main string args CallWhereMethod..

How to invoke scripts work in msHTML


.InvokeMember property BindingFlags.Instance BindingFlags.GetProperty BindingFlags.Public null callee new Object static object InvokeScript..

How to access Microsoft Word existing instance using late binding


0 object wordApp ptr.GetType .InvokeMember Application BindingFlags.GetProperty null ptr null object version wordApp.GetType .InvokeMember.. Version BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.GetProperty null wordApp null Console.WriteLine string.Format Word version..

How do you find only properties that have both a getter and setter?


BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.SetProperty BindingFlags.GetProperty However the results include a property that does not have a.. BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.SetProperty BindingFlags.GetProperty foreach PropertyInfo info in infos info.SetValue target info.GetValue..

Does C# .NET support IDispatch late binding?


Object books xl.GetType .InvokeMember Workbooks BindingFlags.GetProperty null xl null Add a new workbook. book books.Add Objet book books.GetType.. Object sheets book.GetType .InvokeMember Worksheets BindingFlags.GetProperty null book null Object parameters Get the first worksheet. sheet.. 0 1 Object sheet sheets.GetType .InvokeMember Item BindingFlags.GetProperty null sheets parameters Get a range object that contains cell..

parse and execute JS by C#


dispatch try return dp.GetType .InvokeMember varName BindingFlags.GetProperty null dp null catch if Site.LastException null throw Site.LastException..

How to use use late binding to get excel instance?


object object xlApp ptr.GetType .InvokeMember Application BindingFlags.GetProperty null ptr null If your code is going to make a lot of calls into.. object xlApp ptr.GetType .InvokeMember Application BindingFlags.GetProperty null ptr null object version xlApp.GetType .InvokeMember Version.. Version BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod BindingFlags.GetProperty null xlApp null Console.WriteLine string.Format Excel version..

Anonymous types and Get accessors on WP7.1?


BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy BindingFlags.GetProperty where property.CanRead select property return propertyInfos.ToDictionary..