c# Programming Glossary: addin
Accessing a VSTO application-addin types from VBA (Excel) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1474205/accessing-a-vsto-application-addin-types-from-vba-excel a VSTO application addin types from VBA Excel We have a VSTO application addin not a.. addin types from VBA Excel We have a VSTO application addin not a document addin for Excel and we want to expose an event.. VBA Excel We have a VSTO application addin not a document addin for Excel and we want to expose an event to VBA code so that..
Is there a convention to the order of modifiers in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191929/is-there-a-convention-to-the-order-of-modifiers-in-c If you download the Microsoft StyleCop Visual Studio addin it can validate your source code against the rules Microsoft..
Creating add-in for Excel using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2020234/creating-add-in-for-excel-using-c-sharp will be excel add in. How to create setup for this addin so that I just need to give setup to user which will install..
Multipart forms from C# client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/219827/multipart-forms-from-c-sharp-client fill a form in a php application from a C# client Outlook addin . I used Fiddler to see the original request from within the..
Looking for replacement for Snippet Compiler [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2775055/looking-for-replacement-for-snippet-compiler just as if it were in LINQPad. Note that there's a VS addin that supposedly does this automatically for you but I never..
What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38635/what-static-analysis-tools-are-available-for-c Prevent for C# commercial product CAT.NET visual studio addin that helps identification of security flaws Quality Metric Tools..
VSTO Outlook Embed Image MailItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4196160/vsto-outlook-embed-image-mailitem the image after the signature c# .net 3.5 vsto outlook addin outlook 2007 share improve this question Finally i Solved..
.NET unique object identifier http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750947/net-unique-object-identifier hashCodesSeen.Add hashCode null I'm writing a debugging addin and I need to get some kind of ID for a reference which is unique.. using the debugger API. If I was in control of the objects adding my own unique identifiers would be trivial. I wanted the unique..
Outlook 2010 Com addin - NewExplorer never fires http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9537330/outlook-2010-com-addin-newexplorer-never-fires 2010 Com addin NewExplorer never fires For some reason in my app my FolderSwitch..