android Programming Glossary: typo
Cannot serialize issue in KSOAP in android request.addProperty Str nos Anyway i feel like this is a typo and that in your real code you didn't make this error. So to..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android locationListener super.onPause It looks like you have a typo on this line locationListener new mLocationListener I think..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow loc final int y loc 1 topOffset If I've made a typo I apologize... I just typed it in... Hope that helps someone..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator why the double slash in block vold I guess it's just a typo android linux android emulator sd card mount share improve..
combining two png files in android os catch IOException e e.printStackTrace EDIT there was a typo So I've changed image.compress CompressFormat.PNG 50 os to bottomImage.compress..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View WRAP_CONTENT First off it's pretty obvious that add is a typo and is meant to be addView . I'm confused by the first line..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? because this is such a long winded tirade I might have a typo or two making things unclear. I apologize in advance if that's..
Android: Convert xml using xslt XML or XSL is to blame after all. There's probably a tiny typo in it. Can you attach the XML XSLT as well share improve this..
How to get data from other activity in android? android intent share improve this question you have a typo bundle.putString vidoedetails filedetails should be bundle.putString..
android ndk UnsatisfiedLinkError when using a prebuilt shared library the references to the SightAPI in my jni code and put a typo to the LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES SightAPI line The build is successful..
what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate] you can and should drop off the sign. This will help catch typos. For example suppose that you have a RelativeLayout . You have.. If you typed in android layout_below @ id labbel note the typo at compile time this will be considered OK. However at runtime.. If you typed in android layout_below @id labbel note the typo and the missing sign then you would get a compile error. UPDATE..
Is it possible to detect Android app uninstall? here . Note that installed should say removed and is a typo on their part. Some questions for your C2DM plan since I'm not..
AppWidget alarmmanager not updating share improve this question Arggghhh it was a simple typo. The intent filter was com.nickavv.cleanwidgets.CLEANCLOCK_UPDATE..
XML Android Permissions List Full [closed] the entire list of available permissions so you don't do a typo somewhere. But hey sharing is caring D share improve this answer..
Why isn't my fragments onSaveInstanceState() being called? an @Override so I know it's not something stupid like a typo. I've looked at one of the ActionBarSherlock examples com.actionbarsherlock.sample.shakespeare..
Cannot serialize issue in KSOAP in android no nos.setType String.class authentication.addProperty nos request.addProperty Str nos Anyway i feel like this is a typo and that in your real code you didn't make this error. So to answer your question you should tell which one is the null..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android should do it @Override public void onPause lm.removeUpdates locationListener super.onPause It looks like you have a typo on this line locationListener new mLocationListener I think it should be locationListener new myLocationListener Also as..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator it using the same options as above gives a segfault no idea why the double slash in block vold I guess it's just a typo android linux android emulator sd card mount share improve this question The developers guide suggests that this isn't..
combining two png files in android myNewFileName.png image.compress CompressFormat.PNG 50 os catch IOException e e.printStackTrace EDIT there was a typo So I've changed image.compress CompressFormat.PNG 50 os to bottomImage.compress CompressFormat.PNG 50 os share improve..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View fl.add myView new LayoutParams FILL_PARENT WRAP_CONTENT First off it's pretty obvious that add is a typo and is meant to be addView . I'm confused by the first line using It seems that it's the body element of the..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? superficial answer to your question skip to the bottom. Also because this is such a long winded tirade I might have a typo or two making things unclear. I apologize in advance if that's the case. In computer graphics we can represent pixels or..
Android: Convert xml using xslt
How to get data from other activity in android? B but not the file name. Any solution for this android android intent share improve this question you have a typo bundle.putString vidoedetails filedetails should be bundle.putString videodetails filedetails share improve this answer..
android ndk UnsatisfiedLinkError when using a prebuilt shared library I get the UnsatsfiedLinkError. I noticed that if disable the references to the SightAPI in my jni code and put a typo to the LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES SightAPI line The build is successful and there is no UnsatisfiedLinkError . This mean that..
what is the difference betwenn @id/ and @+id/ in android? [duplicate] the ID within an XML file. The second and subsequent times you can and should drop off the sign. This will help catch typos. For example suppose that you have a RelativeLayout . You have a TextView in that RelativeLayout whose android id is @.. one for positioning purposes e.g. for android layout_below . If you typed in android layout_below @ id labbel note the typo at compile time this will be considered OK. However at runtime things will not work ranging from the widget being positioned.. to an outright crash depending on Android version. If you typed in android layout_below @id labbel note the typo and the missing sign then you would get a compile error. UPDATE Since I wasn't clear enough the first time apparently let's..
Is it possible to detect Android app uninstall? out to all receivers except for your own. This is confirmed here . Note that installed should say removed and is a typo on their part. Some questions for your C2DM plan since I'm not very familiar with it. If the user just leaves their device..
AppWidget alarmmanager not updating android android widget android intent alarmmanager share improve this question Arggghhh it was a simple typo. The intent filter was com.nickavv.cleanwidgets.CLEANCLOCK_UPDATE and I had written com.nickavv.cleanwidget.CLEANCLOCK_UPDATE..
XML Android Permissions List Full [closed]
Why isn't my fragments onSaveInstanceState() being called? but that hasn't changed anything. My onSaveInstanceState has an @Override so I know it's not something stupid like a typo. I've looked at one of the ActionBarSherlock examples com.actionbarsherlock.sample.shakespeare and the fragments there are..